Born on 27.07.2006 at 9.07pm only 2 1/2 hours after my waters were broken (from 3cm to fully dilated in 1 1/2 hours!), on just 'gas and air' and 'vocalisation', i.e. top-of-my-lungs wailing, weighing 2780g.
Our Pumpunita is perfectly healthy and beautiful. We are eternally grateful, overjoyed and somewhat tired.

She looks like a mini version of her father, but where noses are concerned...

At the moment she is sleeping on daddy's knees, and mummy should be trying to get a minute's rest as well!

she's so beautiful and perfect! i'm so happy for you two!
can't wait to see her and make friends with her ;O)
aunt claudia
Congratulations to your wonderful daughter! Isn't that just the most magical moment of the world? We're extremely happy that mum and daughter are healthy - Katja and Matthias
Congratulations and Welcome Tara ;D.
I hope see you all thee soon.
SHE IS SO ADORABLE!!!! I can't stop looking at these cute pictures.
I'm so glad, she's fine.
Congratulations again. Good job. For all I know, she's just perfect.
Really lovely!!
Congratulations!! We'll love to see more fotos and videos, but just reading is already fine... Alex is a great writter!!
Enjoy Tara! Kisses
And three years later, I leave a comment....
She is totally adorable, totally perfect and TOTALLY looks the SAME after three long-ish years! WOW!
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