Monday, June 25, 2007


Der englische Sommer hat begonnen. Toll. Wir dokumentieren unseren Enthusiasmus im Bild.



Und unsere ersten und zweiten Laufversuche reichen noch nicht mal für Gummistiefel, Regenschirm und Regenjacke. Abgesehen davon, dass ich zwar in den letzten Wochen enthusiastisch auf ebay 5 Badeanzüge und Bikinis und 10 paar Schuhe gekauft habe (7 davon zu groß), dazu 5 Sommerkleidchen, aber eben nicht wasserabweisend aus Gummi. Pah. Sommer, was? Zum Glück sind wir im Spanien-countdown. Haben wir uns verdient.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Our lovely Meera & Matilda

On 18/06 Tara enjoyed playing with the mega blocks, puzzles, pop up animals, duplo, musical instruments and the tea set. She have also enjoyed some sponge painting on Little Bo Peep and singing some songs. For breakfast she had ALL her banana, for dinner (lunch) it as cheese & onion quiche, potatoes and beans, and for tea butternut squash, carrot & potato.

Our lovely Meera was fun to play with too, and so were Sian and Faucia, but they didn't get photographed (they only got poked and pointed at).

When we get to nursery in the morning, Matilda is the only other kid to arrive as early. They make a dash for the toys and Tara's only chance to get her favourite and her best is to drop some of her breakfasty bread that mummy gives her, so Matilda can make a dash for that! But mind you, they do play together, occasionally - if the toy is large enough, and no food is involved...

No food involved on the right, and Tara tends to fall asleep in the swing and much prefers practising her standing anyway.

On 21/06, Tara enjoyed playing with the sensory bottles, with the train set, bead frames, with the hoops, bean bags, and the tea set. She played with the megablocks & jigsaw puzzles & had fun sticking too!

For breakfast, there was strawberry & apple purree (and Tara ate all of it), some rather tasty tuna pasta for dinner, and some yummy bean & root veg mash and toast for tea. Tasty!

On 22/06, Tara enjoyed playing with the soft play mats, duplo, mega blocks, ball pool, dressing up and musical instruments. She also enjoyed sandplay and exploring the treasure basket. For breakfast, she had all of her apple & strawberry, for dinner all of her butternut & spinach curry with rice and all of her pudding, and cause she didn't like her parsnip & apple for tea, she had a breadstick and a slice of pizza instead, and polished her plate. Yum!

Of course, her very best play time is when mummy drops by with cuddles and plays along. That's what mummy likes to think anyway... may well be that she still prefers some water play, or to just pass her time admiring the older kids. Older kids are so admireable! But no... watch her getting all excited when mummy turns the corner, watch her squeal with impatient delight and do her little shake-all-limbs-pick-me-up-NOW dance - mummy IS the best!

Kitchen Joys

Baby explorer, increasingly mobile, exploring kitchen, o joy! But never mind the mess - mummy will blitz the kitchen before daddy comes home on Friday night, and all will be well.

Though, technically speaking, are those that successfully (or somewhat successfully) wield spoons, still babies?

But who cares about such technicalities when chick pea lasagne is soooo tasty, and the courgette hardly ever ends up in small nostrils.
More, mummy, refill my spoon!

P.S.: What do you mean, Nirite, by saying my baby is always dirty, on every picture?!

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Explorer, Investigating

Tara looooves books! She adores lift-the-flabs, follows mummy's fingers as she points her way through a story with a furrowed brow, hunches over her favourites for half an hour on her own, and loves her toy shop catalogue to bits (DON'T EAT THAT!, mummy shouts from somewhere across the room, and gets bitten when trying to retrieve soaked paper from the inquisitive insides of her daughter). An M.A. in literature at least, I reckon. Maybe even a PhD...

This awful mess, however, I have no explanation for. Next thing you know she'll be crawling up the stairs, leaving paw prints and a trail of crumbs wherever she goes. Definately not her father's daughter!

Saturday, June 16, 2007


... und warum sollte Tara auch brav im Hochstuhl sitzen, zum Speisen, wenn's auf'm Boden ohnehin viel mehr Essen gibt, ha?

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Nur 30-50 Krümel! Ehrlich!

... aber als ich dann das Kind vom Boden gepflückt habe, ja-haaa, da saß der Racker auf noch mindestens 40 Krümeln mehr, und um die 20 klebten am Popo fest!

She Can Walk

Assisted, granted, but it's the first step - or rather the first, and second... and another... and another, and it's her own little self doing it too, not like last week when mummy had to sway her from side to side like a ship in a storm to get her to lift a little foot.

And she knows where she want's to walk as well. Towards mummy? Anytime - provided there's no pinchy prickly grass to cross that bites her little feet, cause that's a clear no-go. After all, mummy can walk too!

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Baby Jungle Rave

We took that baby a-boogy-in' last weekend. A treat, a baby disco, funny lights and lots of other children to look at, we thought.

But the little thing felt a little overwhelmed, clung to mummy like a chimp, and refused even daddy an dance. (Click to view a video)

And the monkeys sang, oobie-doo, I wanna be like you-hoo-hoo...

... and Tara ain't struttin' her stuff, she's working at standing... at a disco, of all places, go figure! (Und hier steckt das 2. Video)

Saturday, June 02, 2007

Liebe Mama

Ich will auch in den nächsten Monaten ganz brav sein, damit du wochentags nicht blöd wirst. Ich will immer schön allein auf dem Boden mit meinen tollen neuen Plastikspielsachen spielen und das Brot nur in 30-50, nicht 50-100 Krümel bröseln, wenn du was machen musst und nicht mit mir spielen kannst.
Außerdem will ich immer ganz lieb um 7 Uhr einschlafen, dich nicht jede Stunde hochrufen, und alles essen, was du mir gibst, auch wenn's nicht schmeckt, weil du keine Zeit für lecker Kochen hast. Ich verstehe das schon.
Papa und ich und du, wir halten einfach die Augen ganz fest auf die Zukunft gerichtet, wenn Papa eine andere tolle Arbeit und einen tollen festen Vertrag hat, und dann kauft uns Papa noch mehr tolle Plastikspielsachen, und dir noch eine neue Handtasche und ein Haus mit Garten. Dauert ja nicht so lange, und wenn ich dir so gut helfe, dann vergeht die Zeit ja auch wie im Flug.
Das alles verspricht dir ganz fest,

deine liebe Tari.

(PS.: Natürlich kann Tari noch nicht so toll schreiben, obwohl sie schon das Wort bye-bye kennt und eifrig winkt. Ist ja klar, wer sich hier selbst pep-talk schreibt...)