Sunday, July 27, 2008

Totally Telightful Tara TWO Today

Snap! Birthday Girl!

For a special treat mummy gets to spend lots of money on a new laptop (for herself), as the old one hopped it about three weeks ago. Never mind. Tara too get heaps of treats - so many in fact that she burst into tears at the sight of the pile of "'Burstags-shenke" (translate, 'birsay pesents'), and then took about half a day unwrapping them, to her grandfather's cries of "Put it away! Keep it for Christmas!"

A proper report shall follow...

Friday, July 18, 2008


That's Mummy posing as Tourist-in-hat and Tara calling out, "Ooooomaaaa!"

Oma, Opa, Ice Cream

Broadstairs beach in lovely weather (and company, not pictured)

... and then the holidays start, and the good times kick in. The really, really good times, that is, with lots of people to play with and learn from, all day long, every day. A visit from Oma Gisela and Opa Didi (both names carefully and correctly promounced by Tara) heads the fun off.

We tour the area, with mummy and Tara being the inofficial tourist guides. First we take our honourable guests to Ramsgate central. No pics, and nothing to report, as would be in the nature of the place. Then we take them to Broadstairs, and Opa Didi's Most Memorable quote reads as follows, loosely translated: "A sight for sore eyes... after the shock of yesterday!" He mumbles, but my ears are as sharp as my opinion...

Together, we visit parks, Canterbury (Mummy drives, whee-hee), Tara receives and learns to ride a tricycle round the neighbourhood, and has helps herself to her first ice cream. Note: This is MY ice cream. I bought missy a small beginner's pale milky one, which she looked at sideways, rejected with a turn of the head, and demanded the nice red one that mummy (with her good sense of taste) had obviously chosen for herself. So swap we did *sigh*...

Lick lick...

The big question at the end of the week: would I get an invite for interview for the position of librarian at the language specialist grammar school mentioned earlier? Or would I be able to hop the ferry with the older and the younger generation and continue to enjoy sharing Tara with an extended family? Guess!

With Oma Gisela
With Opa Didi


First-born daughter, and her first-born daughter's first-born daughter in Canterbury. Tara leads, cause off to find the ducks we are!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Friends (U.K.)

Things can get a little boring without company (or with just Mother for best friends). So it's a good job we made some friends, double deal style. Mummies for mummy, and kiddos for Tara.

Caden (4) and Carter (2 1/2). Big boys, aaah! Potty trained/training, cat managing skills, and advanced English language skills. Role models! *Sigh* It's so good chasing their cats with them!

Et voila, "Baby" Tash! Tara's minor by five months, with heaps and heaps of lovely toys to explore, even though Tara might be a little less skilled at sharing her own babies when needs be... *sigh*. Now, who taught who that rolling about the beach is great fun? Don't remember. Either inspired tired genius.

On the non-UK front, a new baby joins us today!

Saturday, July 05, 2008


Just because her age is such a pretty figure, here's a picture too. Also, we record the day of the first scraped knee, and the rediscovery of chocolate (and that's AFTER whatever treat she's already had on that picture! In the glbal scheme of things, that should well make up for a scraped knee...)

Friday, July 04, 2008


Today Tara is 1 year, 11 months, and 1 week old.
Today we've been to the beach in the early morning, o play in the sand, collect one shell, shovel warm sand onto legs and feet, and try to "Mamma, fangen!" the seagulls.
Today Tara wow'ed my by saying "Mummy put your legs down!" when she wanted me to sit differently, and "Super, Mama!" when I did. She also spoke Spanish ("No toooocas!" - don't touch) and German: "Meine süße Baby Kacha (Tara) essen Joghurt" (MY sweet Baby Tara eat yogurt). She's one hot linguist!
Today I took her to nursery again and did not scratch the car.
Today we watched "Die Fisches" (aka Finding Nemo), as Tara wanted "Fernsehn an!" (TV on!) but "No Tarlielola!"
Today Tara helped peel her peas for dinner but didn't want to eat them and demanded "Tokolade!" instead.
Today we nearly finalised our summer holiday plans with Oma and Opa, and cancelled the hotel reservation for the GBP198 per night room (yes, in Ramsgate! One of those situations you get yourself into without knowing what the charges will be and then feel the only graceful way out is making a reservation knowing you'll cancel it asap, yes?)
Today hard working Jose came home a scandalous hour late, was served a hamburger upon demand, and then got to spend two hours sleeping. Only fair.
Today Mummy kissed Tara good night in the bath because, she told her, she had to go downstairs and clean the kitchen (as if!), promised banana toast with grated chocolate for breakfast and told her how much she looked forward to cuddling her at night.
Today Jose sang Tara to sleep with "Happy Birthday", Tara's favourite song at the moment. She sings it too, "Happidaistu", and loves baking Happidaistu-Kuchen (cake) from play-dough.
Today Mummy filled in a job application for the part time position of librarian at a language specialist grammar school that teaches German and Spanish (and French but so what); fingers crossed for this most appealing of all part-time Thanet jobs.
Today, Tara's been an absolute joy to spend time with, and I'll report that incident with the nappy cream in a separate entry.

It's been a good day.

That Incident with the Nappy Cream

Turned my back for a few minutes to go upstairs and get dressed. My oh my, was she proud of the... good use... skillful application... erm... maybe one day she'll be able to tell me exactly what it was she was so proud of?
The stair-gates looked about the same as dolly's head, which is open to interpretation, but possibly indicative of the onset of boredom, as it was the stair gates that separated Tara (and the nappy cream) from mummy (and the clean stairs, and the clean upstairs).
Ah, the pride of having achieved something truly outstanding!

(Note to Other Mothers: The stuff is best wiped off with a cloth; soap and water only complicate matters. Regards, This Mother.)

Mummy Taxi

Tara on the inaugural ride in The Mummy Taxi

Monday, 30.6.2008. The week starts off with blazing sunshine, and after weeks of just talking about wanting to do it, Jose can finally be convinced that the days of cycling to work have come. He sets out, and I am handed the car keys so I may better deliver the nursery shuttling services. So far, I've driven myself, I've driven my family (with Jose being a worse co-pilot than me a pilot), and mostly I've driven not-at-all, especially recently.

Mummy: ready, steady, go. Tara and special guest, Kuschelbaby (so named by Tara): Say cheese! "Teeeese!"

First ride, swell. Deliver child, eject child, return car home, swell.
Reverse park car. Bad maneuvering. Scratch front right, scratch middle right. Ouch.

Next day, dad on bike, repeat exercise. And I mean repeat. Drive, deliver, return, reverse (DIFFERENT ANGLE!), SCRATCH. Left back.

Two days. Two nursery runs, THREE big fat scratches. Oh ye pretty red car!

Tara seems to happy enough. She also seems to think she belongs in the driver seat.
Well... maybe...

Four days of driving Tara, and no additional scratches. I've gone really careful. Also, turned into a strategical driver who calculates routes so as not to have to reverse, or reverse park. I might take some extra lessons in maneuvering, I think. With a proper specialist. Or with Jose. Or with Tara. We'll see.

Thursday, July 03, 2008

Schokolade (Muffin Scenario III)

"Tara, was ist denn das in deinem Mund? Hast du etwa SCHOKOLADE?!" (What is that in your mouth? Could it be CHOCOLATE?)
"Papa geben." (Daddy give.)

Now, who is the better parent?!