Sunday, December 02, 2007

Found It!

After two weeks of play and hard work, we are pleased to announce the re/dis-covery of our living room! Tara had quite happily settled into living in a box, but we are somewhat happy that's over. It just didn't look good.
So mummy has the first banana cake in the oven, Jose has the shredded boxes in big thick bin bags, and Tara has a new toy stand to help her maintain some order.
Great stuff!

Boxes to ashes,
dust to the bin.

The battle of boxes
we finally win!

Voila! Living room from the same angle as two weeks ago:


Anonymous said...

Your living room does come into shape now, after two weeks, not bad work at all. I could imagine the whole family stays in the cosy living room after a hot wintery meal. Congratulations for the work done, and for the work WELL done. - Jun

Mommy, Papa and the 'Nuts said...

crap. we moved into our house LAST APRIL and we STILL have a "storage room" aka the guest room. I'm thinking it will be easier for me just to set it on fire than to actually dig through the mess. Fitting for a cold winter's day, no?

Amazingly the mess has not kept away my in-laws...and they are coming back! Any suggestions? Stick some dust bunnies on them??

Anonymous said...

Oh, wow! Eurer Wohnzimmer war wirklich verschwunden! Ich hätte nie gedacht, dass sich hinter all den Karton so viel Raum verbirgt!!! Höchst erstaunlich!

Nun denn, dann dauert's hoffentlich auch nicht mehr so lange bis das Haus ein Heim wird. Viel Spaß dabei.

Ich freu' mich schon auf unser erstes Komplett-Wiedersehen seit ich-kann-mich-nicht-mehr-erinnern-wann! Lang ist's nicht mehr hin. :-)

Nirit, Thiemo, Lia and Ben said...

What a perfect little scene with Jose and Tari in the right hand corner and the sofas on the left. So deserted... In the next living room picture I want Jose and Tara jumping up and down on the sofa! And a video of it too, with the two of them laughing like mad and yelling naughty Spanish words or something funny like "Kacka, kacka!" Come on, don't pretend you're a normal family. We all know your crazy side!