Wir haben eine kleine Maus versteckt. Findest du sie?
We've hidden a darling little mouse on this picture - can you find it? (We've also hidden a living room on it, but we've not yet quite managed to find that ourselves!)
En esta foto os hemos escondido una ratica chiquitita, la podeis encontrar? (Tambien hemos escondido un salon pero hasta ahora nosotros mismos no hemos conseguido encontrarlo...)
(or wait, is this the storage space or your actual house???)
so it looks like BT do actually not only disconnect but also reconnect cables! Good to hear from you! I hope you guys are getting settled real soon.
Well done to BT - you are now back in the land of communication.
Wow - considering you have moved from furnished to furnished accommodation there looks a lot of stuff still to unpack - I can see Tara amidst it all (and doesn't she look a cutie - well at home amongst it all) but cannot see the living room !!!
Hope you have a better time with the unpacking than we did - we still have some items boxed up from when we last moved 24 years ago - we decided if we had not found a need to un pack the item in the first 6 months then we did not need it at all - I am sure one day they will come out of storage and appear on some antique roadshow (as confirmation that we did need to keep the items)
Take care - Janet
You made it! Well, half way at least! We also found the little mouse but cannot picture the living room yet, so you have to send an update once you found it. ;o)
Take your time and don't pressure yourself, everything will fall into place soon.
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