Friday, November 30, 2007

Get Out!

Said mummy, to Tara & Papa, for else I shall succumb to severe mess depression. So get out of my way to give me a chance of finding that living room which I've been trying (without much luck) to a) find, and b) live in for the last week!

So the child gets wrapped up and exits the mess, complete with car, snack, and daddy.

JOSE, YOUR BLOG! WRITE SOMETHING! NOW! Or else I'll find myself forced to report my side of last Saturday, and that would include the underside of the heater in that messy living room of ours, and that would, looking like this,

make for a far less appealing narrative than your story about the dog-hunt along the seaside!
WAH WAH WAH (that's Spanish barking, not crying)!


KatjaW said...

Alex, das schaffst auch nur du! Ich habe, glaub ich, noch NIE unter unsere Heizungen geguckt... *g*

Mommy, Papa and the 'Nuts said...

Is that Tara or did all that work cleaning up the house (or chasing stray dogs) age her by 2 years?! She looks like an adorable little girl! Must be the snazzy coat/matching hat and mitten ensemble...ah, yes, thats it.

Oh and by the way, the "dust bunnies" that live in your heater make nice pets for toddlers as they are quite low maintenance and require little more than your stray hairs, bits of lint from matching mittens and an occasional "o" cereal... And you thought they was MORE work for you?! HA!

Nirit, Thiemo, Lia and Ben said...

Does the Van Gogh house also have dust bunnies, I wonder?? If so, they must be sad little creatures with only one ear...

Anonymous said...

After looking at the "adorable little girl" for some time, I began to study your radiator and was wondering from which angle you took the photo. It looked like the inside the radiator when you looked down from the top, and I did look into my radiator and didn't find the same scene you saw.
Hehe, a really weird observation from you, but well done, at least you found dustbunnies! - Jun

Mommy, Papa and the 'Nuts said...

oh good god. I'm picturing one-eared dust bunnies. Nirit, that is just not even funny at all. Scary. Not funny.