Monday, November 09, 2009

I've been sitting like this for over an hour now, and can't for the life of me make myself get up and do anything other than looking at him and nuzzling him. Digging my own grave no doubt, out for a blue repetition of the pink cuddle disaster. But grave digging has never been this sweet!


Scott & Yael said...

You are doing what feels right and it is right! Enjoy it! Just realized today how quickly they grow and Aiden is way too busy to cuddle now days and just enjoy it.

Mommy, Papa and the 'Nuts said...

Oooooooooh! I LOVE his squishy EAR!!!
I too, wishing my children would cuddle and SLEEP. Ahhh....BLISS indeed.

Nirit, Thiemo, Lia and Ben said...

And I love his hair! Oh, he's sooo sweet. Finally someone who is grateful if you pull his blanket up to his chin at night (besides me!)

The Allen's said...

why should you move? You have him right where he needs to and wants to be. Close to mummy's heart, where he can hear the sound of your heartbeat and sleep reassured :-)

The Allen's said...

by the way, are you going to rename your blog? Maybe Tara and Leo's Adventures in the East? Or start a blog all for Leo?