Friday, January 23, 2009

Snap: "What?...

... My mummy's first pay cheque? Today? We must... we must... I'd like some chocolate please oh thank you Mami. And Gummibarchen, and a book. And pizza!" And a gift for Jose and some red sexy boots for me, oh yes.


Kai's mum said...

Do you know there is a saying: Money flows out will eventually flow in? I just learned it.

Therefore I must admit those treats are actually good idea about "Where my first pay cheque will go...". And, I will stop being a person who normally says things too conventional. Hoho

The Allen's said...

Tara either looks very worried about the prospect of mummy's new found spending, or the look on her face is actually one designed to tug on the heartstrings and compel you to buy her all her heart's desires! Cute either way :-)

Nirit, Thiemo, Lia and Ben said...

Hey Tara, you look a million dollars!

And with that amount you can get more than a ton of gummibears!