Friday, January 16, 2009

Snap: Babies

Tara does love her babies. Today three are coming to nursery with her. But that's not all! There's a baby girl in her tummy too, she tells everyone. Soon we'll open a door and it will come out, so she says. Then she can cuddle it. In the meantime however, you can look into her belly button and you will see it (if you're very lucky, that is...). Ah, babies! Good luck to Yael whose second baby will open the door and come out for cuddles any day now! Xx


Mommy, Papa and the 'Nuts said...

Open a door eh? Well, I suppose that is what you'd call it after a big ol' baby comes out of there!

Scott & Yael said...

Can she give birth to my baby please?

Alexandra said...

LOL. I think she would not turn you down, but there would be a problem wit the baby transfer now, in other words IT'S A BIT TOO LATE! Otherwise, we would have just kept an eye on it for you through the belly button windown, and opened that door when it was ready, and voila! There you go!
But that's cheating! Where's the FUN in THAT?!

Nirit, Thiemo, Lia and Ben said...

Open a door, he?
That was EXACTLY my thought as well. This comment might be called 'plagiarism', but if Tara could let me know where exactly that door is, please...
Unless there are three babies of different origin hiding behind it. Then, mhh, no.