Thursday, October 30, 2008

Laterne, Laterne - Shake it, Tara!

My-oh! This is better than Cosmic Ordering! There has been more mail for Tara still, and this time Martha & Ida sent her a Lantern, more lyrics than we know the melodies of, and a lantern stick, batterie operated and guaranteed not to burn the house down. Wheeee! Up! And down! Side! To side! To other side! And ALL OVER AGAIN!

Meanwhile, I let the child swing on, thank Katja greatly, and restore the dental floss to its natural abode, my pocket / bathroom cupboard / kitchen shelves / toothbrush holder. (Also, I continue wondering why it says on every lantern's package "Do not use outdoors"... Surely we'd ALL rather burn a bush down than our very own home?)


Mommy, Papa and the 'Nuts said...

Oh my, almost peed in pants at comic lantern dance and religious references...or...was that ACTUAL fire hazard concerns?? Nah...

'Round and 'round TARA! SWING IT!

Anonymous said...

Wooowi, that does look SO cool! Glad that Tara enjoys the 'set'. ;)

Nirit, Thiemo, Lia and Ben said...

Happy little Tara at work!
And totally the way Lia would "hold" a lantern.

Scott & Yael said...

Alex, can I link to your blog from mine? Yael

Nirit, Thiemo, Lia and Ben said...

Ooh, making new friends and family, I see! The virtual kind!
With actual coffee and shortbread awaiting us in the future. "Hey, garcon, table for twenty blogger friends, please."