Todas'y session was from 8am to 3pm, so a long six hours (detract morning delay and worried keen mother arriving early). Oh there were tears! When I said to her: "We're going home now!"
Tara (howling): "Nein, nich Hause gehen! Tara noch mehr (s)pielen! Tara ein Buch lesen!" (No, no going home! Tara play some more! Tara read a book!) So we read a book, and then agreed: "Morgen Tara schooon wieder Kinnergarten!" (Tara tomorrow again nursery)
Above how I found her today. Dancing with whacky bunny ears that she'd put on herself, hair all messy and hairclip dangling between extra ears. Not to mention the very great amount of colour on her previously plain brown cardigan.
I think we're loving it.
Looks like a cute rabbit princess (with rabbit ears but NOT a rabbit face, of course). Cute, cute!
So happy for you, little rabbit princess!
And how did rabbit queen spend the day?
Hasengrüße from Powerlocke and her Mum
Cool. A bunny to go with our unicorn! We're well on our way to start a traveling show!
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