Sunday, April 20, 2008

Hiya Millie!

Tara loves babies! Oh YES!

Granted, owning a baby small enough to carry about in one's hood is great. And, lo! the beauty of having a baby that Tara can draw on in blue - such pretty circles round the eyes! But what's better than a small handy Baby? Why, a small cute real baby!

So we welcome into our world baby Millie! We hope we can scrape together the airfare to see her sooner rather than later! That will be fun, and I'll make sure Tara does not poke at her eyes too much, and no pushing either. Only ei-ei und kuschel!

Aaaaaw! Millie, 18.4.2008

1 comment:

Nirit, Thiemo, Lia and Ben said...

MASAL TOV leMerav & Dov!

Mamash bubah ketana jafefiya! Tfutfutfu