Sunday, October 21, 2007

Music & Tortellini

Friday night. The lights are so so we don't have to see the mess we've already made on the kitchen floor with our starter of grapes and banana. The mess is for daddy who will come home later. We are enjoying a quiet night in, dinner for one, and some lovely music. Mummy watches.

Aaaaah, good food!

Aaah, good music!

And the two combine so well! Watch!

Can one ever get enough of tortellini, ravioli and the like?!


Nirit, Thiemo, Lia and Ben said...

Der starke Wille, die Zielstrebigkeit, die Besessenheit und Freude beim Essen, dieses ausdrucksstarke Gesicht.... hmmh... ja, kommt mir irgendwie bekannt vor... Frau Mini-von-Roenn must be related to Frau von Roenn.
Wir freuen uns schon auf Weihnachten und eine Zimtraviolischlacht! Dinner for four! Und danach erstmal hinlegen...

Mommy, Papa and the 'Nuts said...

Oh my, that video is hilarious. The girl knows what she wants! Are you sure there isn't a bit of Italian in her? Brava Tara!
Listen, Lorenzo watched the video, clapped along to the music too. I think we could arrange a tortellini dinner (or for that matter, ravioli, spaghetti, lasagna, or farfalle...), we bring the pasta, Tara brings the music and we see which ends up on the floor faster...