Sunday, December 03, 2006

Ooops! (More on Poo-Poo Faces and, well, Poo-Poo)

Ladies and Gentlemen! I present: Pumpuni's current poo-poo face. It is an after-the-event face that she reserves nearly exclusively for her daddy, who I'm sure she knows to be no fan of untidyness of any kind, be it on floors, stairs, living-room tables or in nappies. "Ooops, Papi," it seems to say, "I... erm... need your help getting out of this nappy (optional: and everything else I'm wearing)!" Now, ladies and gentlemen, do not read on if your delicate sensibilities are as easily offended as Daddy Jose's.

People! What you can see on the right is an emergency bath. What you cannot see, and it is better than way, is Tara's pre-accident outfit in the elegant tones of used-to-be pink gone mustardy yellow. Tara has broken all personal records and put a mere up-to-the-shoulders to shame. How bad was it? Let's quote her father on the original moment of discovery: "Alexxx!! I need you up here!!" (I was downstairs, trying to sort out the mess on the table. A millenium project.) "Es para devolverla!!!" Loosely in English: It's so bad we should consider returning her and getting a new one! It was indeed so bad that he tried stripping her lying on her front and then begged for my help. A two parent project. Granted, she was already in it up to her neck, but there was no need to get it into her ears as well. Another record she broke today is that of two (emergency) baths in a row, we normally space them out more, shall we say, generously? Normally, though, our baby smells good and is skin colour, not baby poo yellow (to give you a visual idea). Did she do it on purpose? A subtle call for more baths? Pumpuni?

Tara! Sorry, babe, I had to record your records and show you off, my gorgeous plum pudding. Your baby self did not object, enjoyed the bath and had the usual shout at Papi when he tried to dress you afterwards. I know you prefer going naked.

And she could have said something! She does talk, you know? It goes something like this:

Note how skillfully she strikes her best model pose after she realises she's on camera! She's a star! Though she doesn't get it from me, and there are only three possible explanations for the way she has with the camera: 1) She's a natural. 2) It's genetic and she gets it from her aunty Nirite, aka Tante Rosi. 3) We've trained her up. This might have to do with the new camera we got at the end of September. We've had it for about nine weeks and we're on to picture 1362. All of which feature Tara.
I think all three are likely, don't you?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oh, the joys of pooh-world (nothing to do with bears, though, right?). but as long as baby in pooh-land looks as disarmingly cute as Tara does, I'm sure you'll be fine - it's biology making pooh-land feel okay in some twisted suvival-of-the-fittest kind of way, I assume. But, boy, she really is cute (especially when you only have to imagine the pooh (or choose not to) and not actually have to get her out of it ... :-) )


P.S. She really IS quite a camera-person, isn't she?