Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Prize Baby

I admit it. I'm one of those (horrible horrible) mothers who think that their daughter is one of the most precious things in the world. Which she obviously is. So I'm not being unproportionately presumptious when I think that I am doing people a great favour when allowing them to hold my baby girl. There is, in fact, a hierarchy of prizes to be had with Tara:
"Would you like to change her nappy?" - Third prize. Regularly awarded to Jose. I just hand her over and march off without ceremony.
"Would you like to feed her a bottle?" - Lucky you! This prize is not to be had very often (and feeding her a breast is, I'm afraid, not a prize to be had). Also tends to be won by her father when available as it's mostly given away when Mummy makes off to the gym.
"Would you like to bathe her?" - Congratulations! You have just WON the FIRST PRIZE!

Tara's Aunty Claudia, who'd flown over for a long weekend last week, got lucky and won the first prize when I realised that Tara hadn't bathed for longer than I dare admit in public (doesn't time just fly...). It had been a while since she'd last set foot and bum in her tummy tub, and we were pleased to see that it no longer looked like drowning in that bucket was an imminent danger. It hadn't been so long that she didn't remember what water felt like, though, so in she went happily.
Mummy, too, got lucky and got weed on - I wouldn't call it a prize but warm baby pee on your trousers and all over the bed surely is lucky, isn't it? Like breaking glass? In some culture, some superstition, somewhere?

So. Since i've got a few prizes to give away (nappy/bottle/bath), I'll put a question out for all to answer: Is Tara's washcloth piglet edible?

To enter, leave a comment. To win, you actually have to know Tara and where in this world to find us. Please note that in light of current events, however, the order of prizes has been reversed: Since Tara has now had her fortnightly bath, bathing her will have to be relegated to third prize. Tante Claudia spent four days baking cake, which I spent five days eating, and this must have had an effect on my milk and consequently Tara's digestive system as she's gone from doing three poos per day to one poo in 36 hours. First prize is, consequently, a full nappy change, elevated in its status due to increased rarity. Good luck!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

lucky me - i won the 'old' first prize ;O) it has been such a pleasure and i'm fully aware of this honour.
and who knows, maybe i'm brave enough for the 'new' first prize one day, maybe at christmas?! if i don't win, i'll be happy with carrying her around for consolation and her smile will be prize enough!