Friday, May 25, 2012

Deja vue (pink, this time)

Here it goes, the kind of call that parents dread. "Can you please come to the school and take a look at your child's arm. She has fallen over in the playground and is complaining about a pain in her arm."

I can't really see the benefit of coming "to take a look,"  so I come and take the child - a pale little thing that hugs her arm and looks at me, "Mummy why did you take you so long?" - straight to A&E for an x-ray party, some cold sticky plaster and a promise of a choice of colours and glitter when we come back in a few days for the proper cast. Mostly, Tara is bored after we've exhausted our very limited options of entertainment, being snacks and a kiddie magazine (very pink and glittery too).

Please note the glitter. And the colour of the cast, of course.
I'm as amazed as I was pretty much exactly three years and tree days ago,* at how little it takes to hurt little bones. A fall off a tiny wall into soft dug up soil three years ago, a fall of bucket stilts this time. Makes me want to wrap the kid up, sit her on the sofa and let her watch telly all day, preferably pink and glittery... Not really, but wouldn't it just suit her!

* 28 May 2015, I have my eyes on you. Just in case Tara does move in magic cycles of three...

1 comment:

Mommy, Papa and the 'Nuts said...

That last photo is all, "LOOK at my pinkandsparklyglitter CAST!"

And yes, if I were you I would watch that third date...things come in threes you know. (Well, of COURSE you know, having the date and all...)