Sunday, January 03, 2010

Family Photo, 2010

We've spent the last fortnight thinking about traditions, and which we would like to introducte in our family. One that I would like to stick with is taking a family photo every year. We go for a best-out-of-seven approach after I've spend five minutes asking Tara nicely to pose, then threatened that there would be no dinner until AFTER she had kindly come over (and promised a photo-free time zone of one week after). The pics look like this:
Pictures 1-4: Mummy is in slippers.
Pic 1: Jose looks a bit overwhelmed. Hard light, harsh on our very first Christmas tree.
Pic 2: Mum has a bad hair moment. Hard light, as above. Just not fair on the tree.
Pic 3: Tara's eyes closed.
Pic 4: Leo's eyes closed. It really is time I started working on that post-baby fat.
Pictures 5-7: Mum's slippers have been discarded and appear at the right side of the picture. Mum is in cow socks instead. Nice.
Pic 5: Tara not looking.
Pic 6: Does Jose want to strangle me? Why else could his hands move in on my throat?
Pic 7: Are those cows part of the family? And actually, Jose is in slippers too, and the kids are entirely without shoes.

Talk about a spontaneous snap of a family in holiday spirits... I'll go with picture number two. Slippers and socks all around, baby fat and a two month old Leo who's not yet sure what to make of his family. Jose bemused, Alex (having a bad hair moment and) holding her baby, and Tara standing by her Mummy, holding her baby brother's hand.

Family by Christmas Tree, Jan 2010

And for a more complete portrait, here's a family snapshot. At breakfast (holiday muffins and weekend pancakes): We're downgrading from slippers and socks to pyjamas. But that's us, at the beginning of 2010: Improvised, informal, but connected and contented, and very fond of daddy's pancakes.

Family at Breakfast, Dec 2009

(There. Another potential family tradition started.)


Uli said...

You guys look pretty flawless to me, Alex. Very cute picture!

Don't be so critical. Just gives you wrinkles, and then you might have to discard even more pics ... We won't be 29 forever - no reason to speed up the process over some photographs. ;-)

(however, your tree is losing its needles ... just kidding ;-))

The Allen's said...

I like the idea of a family photo tradition - I may have to borrow it ;-) though Nick, like Tara is fed up of my chasing everyone for pics! Don't they know I have a blog to update?!?

You all look lovely and happy and I'm sure Leo is a lot more comfortable on his mummy with post baby fat than he would be on his mummy were she all skinny x

Alexandra said...

You're so right - even about the tree!

The Allen's said...

I notice you took my advice to change the name of the blog to reflect the new addition to your family....but you spelled Leo's name wrong in the first sentence......unless that's his nickname of course....x

Nirit, Thiemo, Lia and Ben said...

Oh my, with all the facebook stuff and me showing my face on facebook and stuff like that I have missed out on some lengthy Alex blog entries! Hello you lovely Cosmopolitan family of four! Love all of your new and unconventional traditions. With Alex as a mom, how could those traditions be NOT unconventional? Besides, unconvenional is the new conventional. Right?