Sunday, October 29, 2006

Tara Goes Sightseeing

Just in case we do leave town before Tara grows old enough to appreciate the beauty of Leicester, we've taken her sight seeing on one of those lovely Very English sunny autumn days. Town Hall, the New Walk Museum ('Do you want to see a really huge spider, Jose?') and that's enough for a start, for such a small kitten.
Of course, Daddy and The Camera are present, and active (he is, after all, the man who managed well over 350 photos in about four hours at the British War Museum). So while mummy does not feel too passionate about the museum (the sunshine scores so much higher on my scale than dinasours and spiders), she does feel very passionate about looking snazz on mummy-and-Tara pictures, and gets two rather nice examples of cool-mum-pics out of the trip, dragging baby through the various photogenic scenes, not-at-all posing.
Jose admires the various dinasour sceletons and stuffed lions that are shaggy enough to be just as old, and is appreciative enough for the three of us (I just look the part, gazing at those lucky bones while privately marvelling at how good my baby looks on me, what a fashionable little thing she is, and enjoying the admiring looks we get from other people).
On Town Hall Square, I take the camera off Jose and just can't resist the semblance between Tara's hat and the clock tower ('Higher, Jose, higher... more to the right... more to the front...'). There, now: Tara's been sight seeing, and while she may remember none of it, the pictures will be there to tell the story of how great a day she had (and just how snazz we looked).

P.S.: For those who haven't noticed: This entry is really called 'Tara Goes Sighseeing, and Mummy Gets to Look Good'.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

also, ich wusste ja, dass babys wachsen, aber ich bin echt verblüfft, was aus den zarten 46,5 cm geworden ist - ein propperer, fliederfarbener teletubby, der papa auf der nase - äh, dem kopf rumtanzt.
im übrigen finde ich die panic in taras augen im angesicht einer riesenspinne durchaus berechtigt! wer mag denn schon spinnen, die so groß sind, wie der eigene kopf?!