Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Tara Bookworm Gratuates from Infant School

Oh oh oh... why do all good things have to end? Tara is counting down her remaining days at school, but it's not so much in anticipation of the summer; rather it's in horror of how little time is left at her beloved school, with her beloved teachers, and all her friends.

Transition day at her new school was a success though, I was utterly delighted with the welcome we received and so excited about all the after school clubs on offer that I nearly signed her up to the max I could fit into a week, without so much as consulting her. (In the end we agreed on Arts and Craft, Yoga, Lego and German for a start.) And what an emotional moment (that stretched on for about 3 hours in which I could have burst into tears at a second's notice from the sheer stress of it) when the children were called up for their new class, and first her one best friend got up, then the other... how utterly devastating it would have been to not see her join them... heck, who wants a surname starting with V anyways... at R, the queue of kids looked so long I felt they could not possibly be calling any more up and started counting those what-looked-like-60-kids-to-me (but were just under 30)... and finally, second to last, Tara got up and... well, her emotional and social wellbeeing was guaranteed for the next four years, from where I stand!

At school, Tara has prepared a road map for her schooling ahead.

What has changed about me from Year R to Year 2?
When I was in year R I was much less confident than I am in year 2. At year R I was not able to read but that has changed and I am now  very good at reading.

How would you like to be by the end of Year 6 at Junior School? What is your target?
at the end of Junior School I would like to be able to read out loud because I am really good at reading in my head but I am not so good at reading out loud because I run out of breath.

What will you change about your behaviour to make it even better?
I would like to get better at listening on the carpet because sometimes I fidget with Emily and I miss some words out.

Question to Mum: Are you looking forward to the summer?
It will be such a relief not having to police my girl's bedroom any more, to try and get her to sleep at a reasonable time (being before 9pm preferable, not 11pm) instead of falling asleep with her nose in a book.
That said, my lovely term-time-only contract has been terminated and I'm joining the crowd of parents who send their kids to summer camp. Rephrase: Due to changes in mum's employment situation (which are, of course, preferable to unemployment) Tara and Leo are joining the crowd of kids who go to holiday camp for so many weeks a year.
Changes all around.


Mommy, Papa and the 'Nuts said...

This is all very exciting sounding, even if hell if I know what "r" and "2" is, but I'm happy to hear she is guaranteed not to cry every morning the next four years without friends.

...thats what we're looking at at the moment....
but, thats another post.

Nirit, Thiemo, Lia and Ben said...

She looks so lovely sleeping on all those letters, words, and sentences. Sleeping on books is highly recommended.
Lia has exactly one good friend in her class to be. Let's not talk about the rest of the ADHS-stricken kids... It's going to be an interesting year...