Monday, March 29, 2010

Mummy's Girl, and Daddy's Boy, or: KISS KISS

Two parents, two kids, a gadzillion of photos, and a habit of re-using even those items of clothing of slightly gendered coulour schemes, and it eventually had to happen: Deja Vue!

Male parental suction machine and LEO, nearly 5 months; 2010

Female parental suction machine and Tara, 3 months; 2006

Of course, calling Tara 'Mummy's girl' and Leo 'Daddy's boy' is complete nonsense. They are both MINE! I kiss better, and I'm not half as prickly, and Leo STILL has the charming habit of throwing himself off his dad to get to me when he just a little hungry or tired and stands half a chance. Of course, he laughs more for daddy (if most of all for Tara). Mummy's not so funny.
Man, this invites all sorts of comparisons... Jose's got longer eyelashes than me, big noses for everybody, and look! NO hair on the boys, and some hair on the girls only. Now, if anyone wants to say again that the kids look alike? Nonsense. Let us describe their difference in terms of their nicknames, designed by Jose: Bolica ("Little Ball") and Bombillico ("Little Lightbulb"). The man's a bit harsh on his delightful handsome son there, especially when he calls him Bombillico con alas... I'm not translating, I'm just glad he doesn't call him Theo any more!
Where was I... Oh yes, comparisons. Gosh, I adore them. Equally and incomparably.


Mommy, Papa and the 'Nuts said...

Oh my, its true! They look NOTHING alike! Happy to have you blogging again...even if your last post was last week. I need more!

Nirit, Thiemo, Lia and Ben said...

Little ball and little lightbulb.
And I miss José...

Nirit, Thiemo, Lia and Ben said...

Brands -
where is the one picture each day?
Your turn to blog. Please?

Alexandra said...

One picture a day? Ugh - I'll call that a classic blog backlog!!