Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Rah Rah, Leo!

Tara, waiting. Even 'Crocodowel' is doubled over with boredom.

The latest lot of fresh stretch marks actually hurt (ok - a little), and one of the nicer compliments I was given this last week was "you've got a right old waddle on you, girl." That was after Leo had turned and I felt that my gait had improved immensely over night, i.e. that when walking down a narrow corridor, there was no longer an immediate risk of head injury. When I get up to walk somewhere these days, I look like I'm on my way to a Limbo contest and already practising. I've officially given up washing the dishes due to problems reaching the sink and feel guilty about letting Jose do everything (other than growing 14gram of baby fat per day), and I'm no longer taking pleasure in people debating whether I'm BIG or QUITE SMALL. I'm TIRED OF BEING PREGNANT. Mind you, I've been tired of being pregnant for quite a while now, at varying degrees - it's just not the same the second time round; no offence, Leo, it's not personal.

Tara speaks to her brother: "Come on, Leo. Come on, Bruder. I can't see you!" Rah, rah, Leo, get a wriggle on! We spent some time the other day listing all the yummy foods that were waiting for him this side of my tummy, with Tara luring him with "polar bear ice cream... mozzalelli... pineapple pizza" and a whole host of other delicacies she could think of. His beds are made, and Tara is practising covering up the whole thing in case he doesn't like the mobile over his basket (her babies, it appears, don't).

The central heating has had a trial run for the impending - fingers crossed - cosy home birth (and has stayed on since; 18 celsius is just nicer than 14-16), and have I mentioned that I'm tired? I have? Never mind then.

Leo, bub, don't tell me you're going to wait until we've settled on a middle name - you'll have me wondering whether a random one like (randomly opening baby name book) Laird, Nelek or Salamon (bad baby name book) is worth the extra two weeks. Or are you waiting until the 24th at least to make sure you're a scorpio - the one sign that your dear mother really has concerns about? I say, 38 weeks are just as good as 40. COME ON OUT! Major cuddles waiting!

Come on OUT... and STOP giving me stretch marks!

Week 38 completed

For the record: The man-who-does-the-dishes has a different opinion about the ideal length of this pregnancy. "Leave him alone, he'll come out when he's ready, and that way we'll all get some rest before, you included."


KatjaW said...

I was just so much calmer the second time. Ida was almost a week overdue but I was still relaxed, whereas with Martha I just_couldn_WAIT. (Like you know, I guess.)
It's funny how we all experience (second) pregnancies differently.
Anyhow - come on, LEO! I mean, doesn't LEO stand for Let's Experience (the) Outside?!

Nirit, Thiemo, Lia and Ben said...

First pic of Leo's house:
WOW! You're HUGE!!!
Second one:
You're quite small.

Can't wait to see what he looks like! No ultrasound pic for the public lot?

Mommy, Papa and the 'Nuts said...

Quite small indeed...AND, what stretch marks????

Sorry to say, but I've got to agree with the dishwasher. he'll come when he damn well pleases, try to sleep for pete's sake, or at least eat everything you can get your hands on while still pregnant all so you can blame him for your gigantic arse. (Not that you have a gigantic behind, mind you, but you may grow one by eating as I suggest. <---Big butted gals love the company, don't you know.)

Hang in're almost there!

Scott & Yael said...

A. you look really beautiful pregnant. And as for the stretch marks - mine are almost completely faded already without any expensive mirable creams (who has time for those with two kids).
B. Unfortunately, he will come when he feels he's ready. Being pregnant the 2nd time is not as much fun. You don't get a chance to rest like you did with the first one when you already have a child. And at least in my case, the 2nd pregnancy sucked!
C. Liam is a Scorpio. I spent the majority of my life hating Scorpios due to two really mean exes that broke my heart into a million little pieces. And while Scorpios can be stubborn and difficult, I have come to learn that they are very loving and passionate about love and life so even if he ends up being a Scorpio, it won't be so bad. On that note, I've also hated Capricons for the same reasons (I had many many many boyfriends mind you) and wouldn't you know it, Aiden is a Capricon. It's a good thing I'm not having another child, or he/her will surely be a Taurus...

So, beautiful pregnant lady, hang in there and keep those positive thoughts going

Mommy, Papa and the 'Nuts said...

Hey lady...I happen to know, quite personally TWO Capricorns that are quite lovely people! Beautiful, Smart AND Charming with incredible senses of style and witty humor to boot....
Not like Capricorns...geez...

Scott & Yael said...

Hey, my beautiful baby Aiden is a Capricon so of course I love Capricons now. Are you a Capricon? I know Lorenzo and Francesca aren't. Is Fabio a Capricon? It's not my fault either, it's those darn ex boyfriends who broke my heart into a million little pieces and then some

Alexandra said...

Capricorns? I'd be struggling to get myself a capricorn this time round... but scorpio? Another 40 hours and I'm landed with one. Well well, Yael, you are selling them nearly convincingly - except my experience of tham matches yours, it seems. I'll get what I'll get, and hopefully he'll be cute and squishy and worth every stretch mark!
No Nirite, no pretty scan pics worth looking at, and ages old as well, we'll just have to wait and see - wait another month at the most AAAAARGGHH!

Alexandra said...

And now I must go and retrieve the other half of my chocolate bar from the kitchen (where I unwisely left it - could have saved myself the trip) and maybe I'll get the half eaten bag of pop corn while I'm there. But not without saying: Katja, what a cool interpretation of LEO - if I now end up without a middle name at all it'll be because you've satisfied my desire for meaning already!
By the way, what do people think of Leo Elias, or Leo Eren?

The Allen's said...

I remember being extrememly tired with Jasmine. Cause I got pregnant with her so soon after having Ben I ended up with quite a bad case of anaemia (and threats of blood transfusions during labour if I didn't get my levels up in time). It also didn't help that I went to Canada (do you remember?) when I was almost 8 months pregnant. I then went straight into work the morning after arriving back in England - NOT a good idea, I felt I was dying. I was so ready for Jasmine to arrive but the midwife kept saying she was too small and needed to 'cook a little longer'!!! I was impatient because Ben was 3 weeks early so I'd never gotten to the last stages when it seems you are growing by the second. Good thing she came just a few days before her due date though, because she was really tiny, she did really need the extra time....
I know you are fed up, but he really will come when he's ready....and with such good helpers around you should enjoy these last few weeks. Time'll come that you'll barely remember being pregnant - it really does go so quickly looking back

Nirit, Thiemo, Lia and Ben said...

Beautiful, smart, charming, and an incredible sense of style?? That must be me! Errrr, wait, I'm not a capricorn.

Alexandra said...

People, capricorns are irrlevant to this blog, baby and mummy - go and find something else to say about scorpios cause I'm headed for one!