Friday, May 22, 2009

Snap: Day on the beach

We're pretending Tara didn't fall off a little wall in the garden earlier, and that I'm not still thinking about x rays due to restricted useage of arm. Instead, "We're having a lovely time aren't we mummy."


Scott & Yael said...

is Tara ok? Are you ok?

Mommy, Papa and the 'Nuts said...

I think that toddlers should have a hospital/doctor punch card, like a "cut your leg/face/hand 5 times and get one visit free" type thing.

Alexandra said...

Well at our hospital they give very brave children a teddy the colour of their choice. They even count howling and resisting the cast guy as being very brave. That's much better than a puch card aspecially where treatment is free in he first place!

Nirit, Thiemo, Lia and Ben said...

Ok, I'm confused. Is there a cast involved in the picture?? Obviously not in this one. Hope not, but we will totally come over to have Lia sign it first!

Mommy, Papa and the 'Nuts said...

Please update photo.
We're all confused.

p.s. See, now Nirit is a professional traveler with TWO!

Mommy, Papa and the 'Nuts said...

Also reads: Nirit will now be available for travel to various countries and continents.

Scott & Yael said...

Alex, you are aware that it's not actually free, right? You just pay a whole lot more in taxes for it...

Mommy, Papa and the 'Nuts said...

Yael, she WAS in denial....and blissfully so!

Alexandra said...

Tax could be worse, and all of the health care elements that are pay-extra for adults, are free ("inclusive") for under-18's. It's not the best system in the world, but probably still one of the better ones!

Alexandra said...

There is room for visitors the weekend after next. For more than one, I vacate my lovely front bedroom; you know, the one with the wooden floor, the huge bay window and the decorative fireplace.

Nirit, Thiemo, Lia and Ben said...

We tried calling! Don't you have an answering machine? Or at least a secretary?

Mommy, Papa and the 'Nuts said...

HAHAHA! You spoiled semi-American you! The Brits may have semi-free healthcare but we have answering machines and secretaries!!!! (oops, was I not supposed to tell?!)