Sunday, November 16, 2008

The Long Way Home

Ah, I love it when that happens on the 15 minute walk home from nursery! Tara still needs her sleep but usually now won't admit it, and it's become virtually impossible to get her to sleep her Mittagsschlaf. All she would have to do is eat her lunch (doesn't do that either), and nod off on the way home... Instead, we gladly take between one or even two hours (well, one of us gladly...) - the library is on the way, as are countless opportunities to sit down, lie down, flop down, explore and do what all else there is.

Like, a game of fling-the-ted, seated

Going to sleep - well, nearly right

A picnic of apple on the library back stairs

A pole dance for Obama

An up and down step inspection for the neighbours

Song-and-dance time with dolly ("If you're happy and you know it, stamp your feet...")

We eventually do get home...

We LIE...

We SIT... (and roll, and get rather dirty!)

We SPY...

We... Oh yeah, we GOT ATTITUDE!

... but it does take quite a while. I've learnt to make sure I eat my lunch before I pick her up; it does wonders for my patience. And when all else fails, I tell myself, it's karma, and what goes round comes round. Apparently, I took two hours to get to the end of the street at that age, inspecting every single stone. Well...


Mommy, Papa and the 'Nuts said...

These are awesome photos! (I should know...I'm an expert you know.)

Mommy, Papa and the 'Nuts said...

Its about time you blogged again. Damn it. What do you think I wait around all day for? Click clicking away; cruel woman.

Alexandra said...

Err, Tara's grandfather has expressed his concern over the amount of pictures we (aka ME) are taking...

Alexandra said...

PS DITTO! And just WHERE are those pictures of the birthday party that I check twice daily for?

Mommy, Papa and the 'Nuts said...

I have no more space on my computer for downloading photos! (must be all those I took of LIA!) I've got to do some clean-up tonight and see if I can get some posted....of both kids....

Grandparents mean well, but...well, just keep on keepin' on Alex and nevermind what they say. There are NEVER enough photos of your darling daughter in various settings. I'd like to see her on a rooftop!

Nirit, Thiemo, Lia and Ben said...


Nirit, Thiemo, Lia and Ben said...

And YES, this IS a gorgeous little blog post!

Alexandra said...

"Little"? Err, ok...
Brandy, we had to buy an external hard disk ages ago. And since, a new computer with silly amounts of space on it. It's not so much the grandparents... it's more Tara. Quote: "No pictures, Mami!"
Poor child.

Scott & Yael said...

A. Alex, you are so lucky you don't have to go to the bathroom, oh, every 15-20 minutes that you cant take such a nice, long walk. I can't even take Liam to the park if it doesn't have facilities

B. Scott used to have to brun CDs of our pictures and movies until I got a brand new spanking laptop with a huge hard drive which will soon need upgrading I'm sure and the rate I'm going... but burning pictures and movies onto CDs is the way to go...

Mommy, Papa and the 'Nuts said...

I have an external drive, I just like to purge the pics that I don't like before saving them... I'm just too lazy and tired to do it right now. I'm slipping into depression for our friends

Mommy, Papa and the 'Nuts said...

(This owner approval thing is crap Alex. I'm feeling censored and don't like it one bit. Isn't there free speech in the UK too?!)

Alexandra said...

Stay in bed? Is that where you meet new people? Go and camp out in the bread aile! Hop! Hop! Out you get!

(There is, sorry. But at least you don't have to type in silly letter words, right? Or do you you? Must check my options!)

Mommy, Papa and the 'Nuts said...

Yes, also silly-word typing, along with "The AUTHOR, also known as the LORD HIGH PRIESTESS of HER writing, will see if your writing pleases HER and then, only then, will it be seen by mere mortals..." er, or something like that.

Alexandra said...

Now THAT is TRULY cruel!

Mommy, Papa and the 'Nuts said...

p.s. NOTE TO SELF: Must start to say "Hop hop"...sounds very Charlie and Lola; a new favorite with my 2 year old (!).

Kai's mum said...

Tara is so lively, a pure little daredevil.
Can you imagine, Kai is about the same NOW? The only difference is that we need to hold his hands all the time to support his explore walking on the ground, which made us super tired. So in this aspect, you are lucky.