Friday, August 28, 2009

Snap: Friday

This is one of the reasons I love Fridays. Tasty dinner, and all I have to do for it is precisely NOTHING HA HA HA!


Mommy, Papa and the 'Nuts said...


Scott & Yael said...

Looks so delicious and like it has all the stuff I can't eat. Enjoy it for me as well!

Alexandra said...

It's not fair, Yael. But since we'll be eating that for three days in a row (it seems) I can share a day out to you!

Nirit, Thiemo, Lia and Ben said...

I remember the days when it took us just 20 minutes to finish the whole thing. Und danach erstmal hinlegen!

Scott & Yael said...

Please put something else up there - something that doesn't look quite so yummy and something that I'm actually allowed to eat or something non food related, I am so fat I shouldn't be thinking of food anyways