Well, it's ready now. Dinner time!
*** 20 minutes later ***
"Tara, pleeeease let me take another picture of you ok? You can say 'cheese' to me because you helped me so beautifully putting the cheese on our dinner, ok? Pleeeease?" So it's ok (after a bit of negociating and persuading and the promise that I won't take a single picture tomorrow).
Is that a "Shaun the Sheep" DVD on the couch?! Lorenzo's (and mine and Fabio's) current favorite program....!!
Goodness, you STUDY us in DETAIL? But yes, Shaun is one cool sheep and we too think he rocks.
You mean she's actually fed up of being photographed - who'd have thought it?!?! Mine are the same though - I'm forever chasing them with a camera. Sometimes they like, most times they don't. This means I have to devise ever more sneaky ways of getting my shots :-)
Who is Shaun the Sheep and where do I find him?
Dinner looks delicious by the way, and very complicated. We don't make complicated things here. But since it has cheese I wouldn't be able to have it anyways. Sigh!
And I love how Tara sits with legs crossed like a real lady.
Look how she's suspiciously eying you over her book!
Do I see Avokado? Where's my supersandwich?? Aaaaaaaaalex, I'm hungry!!!
Pasta bake with spinach beet-bechamel sauce and fried smoked salmon strips. Yummy.
Und danach erstmal hinlegen.
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