So we pose. "Cheese!" Talking about weight gain and cheese, I've now put on some 11kg (by week 30), which is all I ever put on during the whole of the last pregnancy. It's a bit frustrating. Eating nothing but courgette for the next 2 months seems a feasible option, but luckily Tara dislikes the stuff, so she will do as my excuse.
Courgie boy, of course, is much loved by Tara. He gets a kiss and a cuddle in the morning and she is very careful with her big mummy "because you have our baby in your tummy." Like son, like mother... I'm feeling a bit like a massive courgette myself. Someone tell me - how do I train my big considerate girl to put my socks on me in the morning? And is this anything to do with Tara saying: "I don't like your attitude. I don't like your courgette"?
PS: Enough about courgettes. The third weighed 1900g and I've still not worked out what else to do with it. We'll go with The Smaller The Better for the rest of the season. And for baby's birth.
Is it what we call a zuccini in this country? I have a fantastic recipe for a zuccini pie that of course I am no longer allowed to eat being that it has eggs in it, but no reason for others not to enjoy it. I'll look for it and send it to you.
Einfrieren und für spätere Tomatensoßen einlagern. Werden dann zwar etwas matschig in ihrer Konsistenz, aber das kommt einer Soße ja eigentlich zugute!
Guten Appetit!
Tante Claudia
Falls du das Rezept möchtest, melde dich einfach. Gibt's bei uns diese Woche auch noch. ;)
And in case this makes you feel any better - I gained 23kg with Martha and close to 20kg with Ida and lost it all again afterwards. (It took some time and although I weigh the same, my bodycenter is, well, a bit 'fluffy'.)
And remember how worried everyone was about Tara being too small? You were working like crazy AND working OUT like crazy back then.
Simply postone worrying about your weight until little courgie-boy is there, and until then - enjoy the fact that you don't really have to worry about an extra kg! ;)
WOW! I'm mighty impressed with the weight of monster zucchini and baby courgette (and yours too, but don't you worry one bit, you'll look like a slender little Bio Zucchini again for sure)! Average weight in Courgie's case is awesome!!! He will be the perfect squash. Week 30??? When did that happen?
Is it just me or does it look like Tara's just given birth on the table?
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