Wer, meine Freunde, hat sich da wohl den Weg in den unvorsichtig geöffneten Kühlschrank eröffnet, und mit einem geübten Expertenblick hinter Mamas Rücken den leckersten aller englischen Käse gegriffen und verschleppt?
"Das ist bestimmt die Weihnachtsmaus, die über Nacht gekommen..."
China girl
9 years ago
The color of that cheese totally freaks me out. Cheese ought to be yellow, or am I wrong about this? But who am I to judge? We should ask Lia, who is a huge fan of any kind of 'Kaes'. Very cute pictures of very cute Maus.
Not so RED Leicester. That is ORANGE, not YELLOW.
(We're all settled for Autumn, and shall have yellow potato gratin with grated orange Red Leicester for dinner today too!)
Sounds good. I'm totally jealous. Although, wait! I'm going over to my favorite Italians to eat real homemade Pesto! We will board the plane to England for Kartoffelauflauf with Leceister 'Kaes' tomorrow.
Entertaining the idea of food again, then? A good sign.
Yes, Pesto was eaten at the Cardarelli Home. SOME of us ate more than others....I will not name any names... mostly because it is a tie between mother & daughter pesto-lovers.
Cheese-eating must be some sort of genetic-blog-family thing. I think we have AT LEAST 3 posts about cheese over on OH BOY!
Alex, please stop changing your blog colors...you're giving me seizures.
P.s. Tara looks like a 5-year old. Must be all that calcium. Or the orange coloring...you think? if her nose starts to change color, I'd switch to a nice creamy-colored swiss.
Now that sounds good. Creamy-colored. I like the ring of it.
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