Autumn has it charms, and while I'm not quite sure yet where to get good old German Laternen or kiddie kites from, I at least know how to lure Tara into the warm wet wet wet after a day in the cold wet wet wet.
Come on, Tara, I say, would you like me to run you a babycchino bubble bath? We can dress your head and and your nose in babycchino foam, and you can be a clown, and you can serve me a cup of hot bubbly babycchino coffee in the tub!
And that's all it takes.
"Mit Mami (mummy?)," she replies, and up the stairs we go, to hop into hot fluffy foam.
Her favourite and best warm water game is putting foam on her hands and clapping them together. Now, that's a real laugh!
You look like a little ohsocute Schlumpf, Tari!!!
Tell me, how much of that babycchino bath water did you drink? Looks like fun to take a foam bath in the most gigantic coffee cup imaginable. Slurp.
She drinks about four cups, and the she stands up and delights in peeing about the equivalent. In-out, in-out. Hmmm, tasty! Luckily covered by the accidental emptying of half a bottle of shampoo half way through the bath...
Hmm, and it comes out all foamycchino too? Coooool.
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