See the 'Sale Sale' signs in the corner?
It was on the way back home from nursery, and we were just going to nip into town to get a treat for the way home, but alas! we chanced across this card shop that is folding in (Seriously, three card shops on 30 square meters is a bit too many even for England, especially Ramsgate...), and proclaimed FIVE cards for A POUND! In we went... after all, there are ALWAYS birthdays coming round... poor Tara got fobbed off with "We're leaving in a minute, just let me look at... these... and these... and these..." while I studies every single card in the shop. Poor child. She eventually looked up, voiced a weak 'Mami...' and then her eyes just closed. In the glaring shoplight, facing up, quite a feat.
And I only spent 6 Pounds. So, 30 cards for the price of 2-3. I mean, who can be me, and say no to that?! Exactly. House moves, weddings, kiddie birthdays, Tara's birthdays, new babies (boy/girl)... we're sorted for the next three years or so. My lowest moment came when I spent a minute considering a "Happy 40th Birthday" with Nirite in mind. It was such a nice card... but I did draw the line at the 3-year mark and resisted.* Tara was asleep. I could afford to waste that minute considering splurging.
*Also, as we all know, Nirite will never be 40. "27" forever, and eventually a graceful overnight jump to 55 or so. There were no cards saying "What, 27 again?" - even the cardwise very specific English have not come across such miracles of youth before.
Alex - You're too kind. Actually, I'm 29. And have been for the last 5 years. So at least let me try to turn 30 (which will probably never happen, thanks to my eternal inner and outer youth), before considering buying cards with a hidious 40 on them. Maybe my Mom would like that card? She actually turns 40 soon! In a couple of years.
Tara - adorable! And impressive! Since Lia has her stroller, she never, ever ONCE fell asleep in it. Too much to see. But once she hits her mattress, she's off in three seconds. So we're grateful for that.
Sales - Alex, do you remember that one last great offer of like hundreds of little well, "things" you bought in Germany before leaving for England? I reckon there are none left??
Lorenzo saw this photo and said "Tara!" pointed his little finger at the screen and then whipped his head to the side, rested on his shoulder, closed his eyes and pretended to snore.
(But it took him a minute to do this while looking at the photo...I was concerned he thought she might be dead, of sheer boredom of course...so I prompted the "oh, she's only sleeping after her Mummy bought a million cards she will never need as much as she is trying to convince herself that she will. YOUR Mommy throws away perfectly good things even if I will need/use them one day, and now we have someone to send all that stuff to...")
Uh, yeah. Totally cute.
p.s. what on earth are you doing up so late?!
Nirite - I'll have to go back for that 30 card then later. Of course, I'd have to buy five cards, so I could always still check on that 40 too. And maybe send you congratulations of your wedding day, and possibly include one 'to my beloved wife' for Thiemo, to save him the trip to the card shop... may be I cuold find one with a predefined space to attach a credit card, the English are very spicific cardwise, as I said... Of course that all can only happen if not too many of my kind happen to the shop before lunch time...
Brandy - it's never too late in the day to revel in one's shopping successes, and look out for that random 'You're leaving to have a baby' or 'Happy 7th birthday' or 'Happy Retirement' card in your mailbox soon. And do, do send me all your old stuff, I'm sure I can store in somewhere for the next five years, and it will come in handy soon after that. Make sure to include Lorenzo, so he can check Tara's wellbeing in person, and come shopping with us. (Too cute, that boy!!)
PS. Of course I am NOT implying that Lorenzo was part of your old stuff!
oops, wrong account. you've seen my alter-ego!
... and I was just about to say, Sounds like you need a container, so why not drop by for an authentically chilly holiday anyway!
PS.: We've just been back to the (restocked!!) shop for more. This time we queued for an hour, and accidentally bought a bride plush elephant for Tara too (75%off!). And a box, a big big box. For the 40 cards. Must get posting cards...
The first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem.
You scare me ALMOST as much as Nirit does with girly things (and shoes) for Lia.
Is this what i have to look forward to when i'm 40 stuck at "29"?
Nonsense. Now. Watch out for mail. I have some 40-odd cards to send.
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