The time has come, as it eventually had to... and
last year's unknown future is now. Last week it's been a whole year that Ramsgate has had us, and we've had Ramsgate. Sounds a bit like we've had a disease? Ummm, sorry.
Totally unintentional... We don't have no disease, but
Tara has:
* Hair enough to use "clip-clips" and make her look like a sweet proper little girl;
* Entered the Terrible Two's and is of the unfortunate opinion that crying and whining
helps. Well. We're all mistaken about this or that occasionally...
* Professed her love for daddy, and just a little after her sweet compliments for mummy. "I love you very much, Papi," she said, while I was away and Papi was playing bricks and puzzles all day long. (Of course her undying love ebbed a little when Mama came back. "I don't like it: Papa," she complained, "Go out!" Tsk. Terrible behaviour. As moody as a teenager, especially after about 4pm when she's refused a nap.)
* A few daily hours at a lovely local nursery full of friends and people that teach her English and odd English habits: "Look, mummy," says Tara. "Tara is doing spitting!" Sprichts, und rotzt über die Lehne vom Kinderwagen. "Na super, toll gemacht," sagt Mama, "was du alles für tolle Sachen lernst von den Jungs im Kindergarten... Komm, wir wischen dir mal das Kinn trocken, du Schlabberschnute..."
We live... HEREMami has:
* A social life that's gone into hibernation for the winter, it seems
* Still not grown to love Ramsgate, and still not gotten over The Loss Of Leicester (*sigh*)
* Had a couple of job interviews for part time roles, none of them in Ramsgate, and a good feeling about the last one (today). And if that doesn't work out, then at least there's still hope for a Receptionist's role at the gym, which would be ever so convenient and an opportunity to retrain and try some steps in a different professional direction.
* A nice gym, a new favourite instructor, and new gym friends, even though pole dance has been suspended til the end of the year... again...
Ramsgate... Well it does have it's picturesque sides...Dr. Papi has:
* Great joy in having his two girls around all the time, and an equally great time away at the lab trying to save the world from HIV.
* Great joy in having his two girls around all the time, even though that does not seem to reduce the amount of cleaning he does at the weekend. Tsk.
* Great joy in having his two girls around all the time, and developed super skills with building blocks, puzzles, and play dough.
* Great joy in having his two girls around, and two girls that cheer when he comes through the door in the evening.
* Just killed a spider. Why oh why do there have to be so many of them, and such big ones too?
Hi! It's picturesque and rainy here!So that's it. Last years Great Unknown. We have a garden, it's very messy but it's close to the sea. There are no herbs, but there's been some sunshine. There's also been some rain, and somehow all that lies ahead is still a Great Unknown. Well... as long as we don't fall off the White Cliffs...
Life in Ramsgate. It has it's moments.