It's one of those days when getting home takes a little longer...
PS.: A historical day. Obama gets voted president of the US. Tara has an apple on the way home from nursery, and Sheperd's Pie for lunch. She tells her mum: "Don't worry, mummy, 'kay?" when she is warned not to run so fast, and aks her father: "Are you okay, Papi?" after she's whacked him in the mouth with a spaghetti fork. There is pasta and tomato sauce for dinner. Mum and dad buy this puzzle for their entertainment, Tara does her own puzzles in record time, pretends to type out names on the computer, and declares, "My name is superman, and I can... jump!" Flying would be more adequate, but she's only small. Obama is great. He sure did fly this morning.
Very talented little dancer! I definitely see a future in pole hugging.
And yes, Tara rocks at jumping and Obama rocks at flying. Superpower.
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