A star at the nursery's nativity play and "my Kissmas party," which she's been looking forward to very verbally and very much as well. And she was so proud of her role, different from some of her friends. "Maddy be a donkey," she informed me as well. "Maddy wanna be a king... Maddy be a donkey."
Occasionally I would hear her practise to herself, either singing, or reciting her friends' roles. "There's no room!", says Tara the inn keeper, "NO ROOM!" Says Tara, too, when daddy wants to come into the kitchen through the door that she's slammed shut. Or her little voice twinkles loudly, "Christmas pudding, steaming hot, sprinkle on the sugar, eat a lot!", a favourite right along with "Father Christmas, he got stuck, coming down the chimney, what bad luck!"*
So, the night before Tuesday I sit down to make her costume, privately amused by thoughts of how some 25 years ago my mother would have made my kiddie costumes for other occasions, and how now I'm lovingly making the first for my very own darling daughter. Stitch, cut stitch, glue - just within my skills; if she gets a promotion to angel next year I'll have to buy, I fear!

Her party is a hit! There are soooo many parents and siblings and grandparents (some 200 maybe), and my starlet clings to me for the whole of the beginning, except the little trip up to baby Jesus in the manger who was all by himself and needed a starlet cuddle. But when the big moment came and she got called (along with all the other little twinkly stars) onto the stage, off she went like a big girl. Aaaah, the courage!
(There are loads of lovely picture of donkeys, Mary & Joseph, angels, sheperds kings and stars, none of which I am allowed to stick on the internet.)
After the play and lots of singing, there is a snack party, a very funny magician, and - oh my - a visit from Santa, who gives everyone a present. Tara grabs it quickly while hanging on to me, and will not for the life of her get any closer than necessary. Bless!
Never mind. I'll have a word with the elves, I got connections. Puzzle. Chocolates. And 'a present'. We're on it. Seven days to go, and my oh my, this Tara? She been a good girl. The best! No doubt about it!
She even sung me my favourite song** for the camera. Here you go. Special treat.
Christmas Pudding
and, as befits a star,
Twinkle Twinkle
My star got attitude, man. I love her to smitherens. And I think I may be looking forward to her first proper conscious Christmas more than she is...
and, as befits a star,
Twinkle Twinkle
My star got attitude, man. I love her to smitherens. And I think I may be looking forward to her first proper conscious Christmas more than she is...
* Melody of Fraire Jaque / Bruder Jakob / Brother Jacob.
** My TRUE favourite is this one, actually: Where "We wish you a merry Christman... good TIDIngs we bring...", Tara goes: "We wish you a merry Christmas... We TIDY up, ok ok..." She has me in stitches over it.
Brava Tara! You are a very convincing star...good job Mummy with the cutting and pasting. Cute.
But whats this? Are all the attendees in the 'Witness Protection Program'? Or are they all scary and FACELESS????!!!! Yikes.
Off to sing-along with your video, by Lorenzo's request....uh, thanks.
"Bloody TWINKLE F'IN TWINKLE!" -TARA as Star Sid Vicious. Grrrrr....
I scratched all those poor people's faces off. Naste ey? Well gotta navigate the dodgy waters of face Photo protection. I'm wondering whether I want to blank out the whole nativity but my daughter. Yikes, innit?
I'm feeling a bit down and not so funny. But I still want to be part of this conversation. Let me just say: twinkle, twinkle (boo-hoo).
What conversation?! And what's funny anyway? Life? My arse. Ha ha.
Brandy, this is all your fault, and yours alone. Do something!
A. What an adorable little starlet!
B. You actually made her costume? I never inherited my mother's and my sister's sewing and crafts talents. I always opt for buying unless Scott is up for making something (he is quite talented actually). Good job!!!
C. Such fine and strong singing! Good for you Tara!
D. It was a pleasure to read and an ever greater pleasure to watch. Thanks for making my evening!
E. On a completely unrelated matter - the sitter who is helping me tonight is actually putting Liam down for the night and therefore I have the time to comment. He actually let her do his bath and take him for night-night. I suppose I can be replaced now. It helps that she used to be his day-care teacher.
Nirit, did you say 'TINKLE, TINKLE'? As in you peed?
Go blog something nice about the weather in Germany, I hear its perfect for photos this time of year. I could be jealous!
Alex, it is NOT my fault. It is Thiemo's fault. I suggested kicking him in the balls in an email to Nirit...maybe it'll help? It would make ME feel better at least...
And uh, Yael, please send your babysitter over after she is done with Liam's bath, I need a foot massage and groceries put away...
No, Brandy (I) she did say tWinkle. Which is a shame. Had she said tinklw, I should have peed myself with laughter too!
No, Brandy (II) YOU are to blame! For all I can tell Thiemo was hardly every home enough to make her feel at home, country specific. This was YOUR evil doing, and YOURS alone. Plus, the poor woman can't kick the balls of the provider of swell custom built houses and swell custom made children. That would be self harming!
Yael, one day I'll write a blog good enough to get you all the way up to "Z" In the meantime, can you send the sitter my way too? I'd like to go out on occasion, as in, WITH my man...
Nope! I'm keeping this sitter just for us. She is a miracle worker. Liam usually won't even let Scott get him down for the night if he sees me home, let alone a sitter. But she is indeed a miracle worker. I just love her to death! I am dreading the day she starts college and is not as available. Oh, and she can run around after him and that is something that my current big fat belly and aching back and aching everything won't allow me to do!
Tinkle, tinkle.
To all of you.
(Now, enter Alex, stage left, with pelvic-floor suggestions....)
Suggest: Tinkle - STOP - tinkle - STOP - tinkle tinkle STOP little... erm, STAR!
DON'T let Alex enter the stage! She'll perform a tap dance on my pelvic floor and I'm not sure I'll like that.
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