The time has come; it has happened as it eventually had to...
Tara has:
* Hair! Not much, but oh she's starting to look like a real little person.
* Mummy's g***f** cold, and as if bed island was a bad place, wants to live on mummy island all the time.
Mummy has:
* Not seen a friend for days, and just given up hope for the rest of the week.
* Got to go to nursery and pay the deposit for Tara to start this month as
Daddy has:
* been offered that job he left us alone all Monday for, and
* accepted with great levels of enthusiasm as it's a big foot in the right door.
* less hair than Tara, too, but who needs hair anyway when having been offered a proper job is so sexy already?!

And all of us, we have a future that's beginning to take shape now. It's exciting and scary at the same time, and with every new answer there are more questions too. Boo. Think about starting our social life all over, as if this one here hadn't been difficult enough. But think garden near the sea... Can we have a bit of sunshine? And a herb garden?
This work experience will hopefully be the missing link to a great job in Hannover.
And make sure that the new home won't have carpet on the stairs!
congratulations!!! so good to hear things are moving in a good direction for you guys! what direction, though? seems like you missed saying where that interview on Monday was? (or maybe I'm just blind ...) Judging from the picture I think "Wuthering Heights" ... but it may just be Scotland or Ireland or some other windy part of the world like maybe Northern France? so where are you heading? anyways, congratulations!!!!
What a beautiful ray of sunshine Tara is - her happiness radiates throughout the picture - who needs sunshine when you have her to brighten your day and warm your hearts
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