Now, I don't know how that happened! I swear the plate was out of reach on the table. And I only turned around for a split second. Or two. Well. Three perhaps, doing some dishes perhaps, until I noticed that silence. The kind that I'd never heard in my own home before, but had certainly heard of! That
suspicious silence. That
banana silence. And then the banana silence culprit grins that big innocent mummy-look! This-is-SO!-interesting-this...-this...-whateveritis! grin, and just because I'm the adult I go for the wet cloth instead of trying some banana mushing myself.

And then the poopy nappy monster strikes!
Oops! All the way up to the neck again, must write a complaint letter to pampers! Would I be able to shame them into providing a year's worth of nappies to convince me their product
is great?
On the subject of nappies, I want to share three thoughts. One, gosh me, expensive!
Two, now that bananas have hit the scene, nappies are no longer a suitable subject for this blog. They are no longer
cute. Fascinating, yes.
Daddy: Alex, come and
look at this!
Colour! Consistency! Get the camera!
And I say, Maaan, Jose, calm down! I am
refusing to get the camera! This isn't
cute! Nor pretty!
... And he calls me
la tonta de la camera (which translates to something like 'camera mad,' but isn't as nicely said!)
Three, due to a banana induced change of consistence it seems that up-the-back's are a thing of the past. We have, however, been introduced to their rival sibling, down-the-leg's. But I won't go into them. Promise, Tara baby.

Either way, Tari usually isn't fussed. She loves her naked moments, is enchanted with daddy's zipper, and will enjoy a meal of socks and toe fluff when we plop her on her back. Life is good!
1 comment:
Im Krankenhaus hat mir eine Kinderkrankenschwester den Tipp gegeben, die Windel am oberen, hinteren Rand nach INNEN zu falten - das rettete schon so manches Outfit bei uns...vielleicht hilfts? Aber je mehr sie isst, desto, nun ja, kompakter wird alles. ;)
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