Mummy: work. 8am, at her desk, system up and working. Passwords? Don't ask ME! It's about eight months since I last worried about them. I'll make it to the right floor though, and I'll be able to tell my colleagues from random strangers and other working folk. That's as good as it gets for now.
Tara: nursery. 7.45am, and she has no idea what is coming her way. Neither do the carers. Because I haven't told them. Because I did not know at that point. That Tara is refusing, absolutely refusing, to drink anything that's not served by nipple. Now that is what I call great news.
Other than that her previous induction sessions at nursery went well. Largely, I suspect, because they were brief and dry, and did not involve drink or food.
It went like this:

Tara: sits opposite new friends, and stares at them with her What-Is -That? look.
New friends: sit opposite Tara, two start crying crying crying because they don't like strangers, not even new friends and their mums. Or maybe they were tired.
Mummy: sits down with Tara, gives her some cubes to slobber on (What else do we need? Friends? What-Is-That, friends?). One tearful baby stops crying and crawls over to sit on me. Nice. Mummy supplies baby with entertainment, Tara with more toys to slobber on, and carers with information about Tara and her routine (Routine. Yeah. Right.). Tara interaction with new friends: Zero. End of session one.
Session two: Mummy drops off Tara on carer's lap, walks off, returns after an hour, and is told all was well. ('All' did not involve feeling hungry and refusing the bottle; but it did, on my part, involve a certain amount of spying through the window!)
Tomorrow, the real thing, will last a little longer AND involve feeling hungry, trying to eat fruit as part of the new breakfast routine*, and being confronted with a bottle that I've still got to get ready. Now.
So. Farewell, carefree days. Two outfits are laid out, two bags are packed, a last pre-reality-kick-in blog has been written. There we go.
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