Any realistic picture of the last few days would show me either resting (on beds, sofas, inside, outside) or sleeping - I'm in fact so well rested I wake up in the middle of the night all wide awake and ready to get some action going. Which would be, judging from what I've done over the last days, erm, resting. But I'm happy to change that: Nocturnal breastfeeding, here I come! (I do wonder how long my surplus energy will last me - one night? Three if I'm lucky?)
Whatever. Point is, we're ready. Strawberry-picking never happened, but all the shopping is in (baby monitor and reusable cotton diapers off ebay should arrive in the mail any day now), the washing & ironing is done, I've even managed to put my winter clothes away (about time), and where cleaning and dusting is concerned, well, we're into the third round and I'm definately losing interest now. Jose can have his household jobs back now. He's also welcome to do the cleaning of the little bottom. No dusting of baby bottoms though.

One last thing to do though, before I forget: A bit of socialising. One friend for lunch in town, another for coffee. It is supposed to be the hottest day in the history of England. How could I stay home on a day like that!
I've said it before but let's just say it again:
One (1) day to due-date!
PS: Last night I dreamt I was having the baby. It was a beautiful big girl, the birth took five minutes and didn't hurt at all. There was no placenta at the other end of the umbilical cord, though, but another very small baby girl. Possibly not the most realstic of dreams.
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