... can pull ever so many little sweet faces, including one that looks like a smirk and enchants mummy and daddy. She can poo proper smelly baby poo and needs changing after every feed. She knows just how much milk she needs, and when she's finished feeding, she pulls off those (poor sore) nipples, pulls a little face and rests her little head on top of the breast for a sleepy cuddle. She's coping ever so well with her many lovely visitors - and so far she only wakes once per night to feed, such a clever girl! Only once did she get confused and insisted on latching on to daddy's nipple through his t-shirt, but she was still a little smaller then.
... continues being a real star supporting mummy when she feeds our little big girl, hauling all the shopping in, cooking lovely dinners and insisting that mummy eat for two by heaping triple portions on her plate. He's shaved his chest so his little big girl won't be tickled too much when snuggling up for daddy cuddles. He changes her nappy like the real star he is.
The washing machine
... does overtime! On pumpunita's first day at home we went through 4 baby outfits, 3 mummy outfits and one daddy outfit. The baby outfits were lost to various degrees of exposure to meconium (black) and baby milk vomit (yellow), as were the mummy outfits, combined with breat milk stains (whitish transparent). The daddy outfit was lost to the general panicked sweating he breaks into when anything happens to his baby, like hickups that shake her entire body (and don't bother her at all). The good thing: Pumpunita's nanna does the washing and the ironing.
... excels at mummy cuddles, kissing her baby and gazing at it. Fails at everything else, from being a proper hostess (sorry everybody), to sleeping (unable to stop cuddling or gazing). Not that it matters, daddy and nanna keep the show swinging.
We are so in love with out little Tara Olivia! There! I've given her name away. (A matter of great dispute, but Andy did finally give us his thumbs-up.)
Here's the picture of the day

And as a special bonus, a little video when she was still very very small and not even two days old, what strong lungs she has!
Herzlichen Glückwuncsh, hat ja alles gut geklappt!!
Die Genforschung ist ja noch ziemlich am ANfang, aber einiges ist ja erkenntlich:
Sie hat Joses Conehead, seine Bat-Ohren, dafür aber die schon breit diskutierte Knubbelnase ausm Ruhrgebiet!
Aber ganz süß, auch der Name ist ja schön, man mußte ja schlimmes befürchten bei all der Geheimniskrämerei!
Also, viel Spaß erstmal beim Familien-Sein,
Enhorabuena!!!, esta niña nos encanta!!, hasta llorando es bonita, a la abuela pepa se le cae la baba cada vez que ve una foto!!. Ya queda menos para verla en persona. Muchos besos para los tres. Isa y Juande
It sure is a good picture of the Moro reflex, healthy little Tara!
What a little princess - absolutely gorgeous and a good reflexes and a healthy pair of lungs
ooops- already almost one full week on this planet !!! I´m glad everything went fine- she is really, really cute !!!
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