Whoever claimed that membrane sweeps were painful was exaggerating it a bit. Whoever said whole arms had to be shoved in was overdoing it more than just a bit. Uncomfortable, yes, but hey, worse to come. So, after a bit of poking, pushing and digging my maternity notes read as follows:
"Membrane sweep performed. Cervix soft, 1cm long, 1-2cms dilated, posterior. Ceph (?) presentation Station-2. FHHR following examination. IOL booked for Thurs 27.07.06." Not sure what exactly means what but in summary it is saying: All is well on the Southern front, conditions are favourable, and there should be no problems with the induction on Thursday morning. In other words, all being well this baby is OUT & REAL by Thursday night. It might even do its little dippy dive before, judging from the internal state of things!
For now all feels as stable as ever (which may not mean anything as it could start any minute now) but it looks like we know baby's birthday before we even know his/her gender or name. How weird.
Jose is as convinced as ever that it's a girl. I'm a little confused by his constant talk about 'her' and 'my daughter' but still seem to talk more about 'him', my mother says. So should we call Jose's daughter 'gift to him', if it is a girl; and my son 'mine' if it is a boy? That would be Shilo and Ennis (in Hebrew, resp. Greek). But Brad Pitt's daughter is Shilo, and Andy has helpfully (behind my back) turned Ennis into Anus for me - and there I was, thinking that real danger could lie with Pen(n)is... Could I truly let 'mine' down and not only call him a name that can be turned into Anus or Penis, but on top a name that I've picked up from a 'gay cowboy' film, just because I want him to have a special, meaningful name?

More on names tomorrow. I'm starting to feel slightly spooked and nervous and a little scared and MY GOD!!! SO!!! excited I probably won't sleep between now and when I collapse some time on the weekend - plenty time to muse over names, browse German, English and Spanish hitlists, research meanings and check sound effects with Andy who seems to have a special and useful talent that's gone undetected until now. Then again, maybe he's just English and rude enough?
Jose is telling me off for not posting enough pictures. So this one's for Barbara and everyone else who's been kind enough to praise the growth of my magnificent bump. Thanks for pointing it out continually, from up above here it's always looked the same from that magical moment on when I could no longer see my feet!
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