Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Kleines Daumenkino: Go Get Tara

Es regnet. Ein fetter Regentropfen hat Leo grad genau links neben die Nase getroffen. Leo ist entrüstet und entsetzt. Aber der Rest des Schwesterkindergartenabholtrips macht das wieder wett.


Mommy, Papa and the 'Nuts said...

I have said all along...for those of us with only ONE child, someone needs to start a "Rent-A-Toddler" service exactly for this purpose. ENDLESS entertainment. in a SNAP. genius.

I've said it, now someone go do it and give me the $$$.

Mommy, Papa and the 'Nuts said...

(And I LOVE that second pic.)

The Allen's said...

Lovely pics, but what IS Leo wearing Alex?

Alexandra said...

It's an interresting item of clothing sin't it? Lovely colour... It's a gift from the neighbour who either ,ade it for Leo or had it made, not sure. The hood and hole for the head are the size for a premature baby, the arms are a size 3-6 months and the middle bit it the width of 3-4 years. It's quite amusing to look at in itself... (Obviously, I will have to delete my comment right away...)

The Allen's said...

lol! It reminds me of this greeting card with a pic of a baby in some odd cardigan and knitted long johns. The card reads: "I would be happy, if only my mother would stop knitting" !!!

At least you put it to use though.....I'm not so generous :-)

Alexandra said...

Wore it generously this once so far. Also knocked on the neighbours' door to make sure they saw him in it! Share the beauty. Really generous, that. Good job he really looked cute in it.

Nirit, Thiemo, Lia and Ben said...

Are you sure this isn't the neighbor's doily??
Very distinguished outfit. In the first pic he seems to be yelling for a cup of tea and a cucumber sandwich. To be placed on top of him.

Alexandra said...

Cucumber sandwich, ey? Well as long as it's on top of him, and not a cucumber cheese sarnie AROUND him...

Mommy, Papa and the 'Nuts said...

Tanya, we all know Alex HAS that card someplace in the mess... Don't you Alex?!

Alexandra said...

it's attached to the back of The Yellow Delight ;-)

Scott & Yael said...

And for those of us who can only read English and Hebrew?

Alexandra said...

Those read the pictures ;-) 'nuff said!

Scott & Yael said...

that's not fair!

Alexandra said...

It is, just occasionally, fair on my German family - for a change!