One of a kind but I'd also take two - or six...Six little portrait pictures of my little man, aged 4 months and a week, white background to please the Spanish embassy staff, please. Four pounds, thank you, and Leo is nearly ready to take on the world. But we're in no hurry, and the only thing Leo wants to do to the world at the moment is, eat it up. All of it. Slibber-slobber, litte man, a fist or some fingers are best for now, though Leo tries to fling himself into any plate of food that presents itself. He'll sit on my lap and stare it down for starters. Then he'll start swinging back and forth on my lap, his mouth wide open and drooling. Eventually he'll take aim and fall forward onto the plate, sometimes getting sauce on his nose, sometimes only plate.
He'll also reach and grab, or stare down drinks.
This baby is ready for food - but he still owes me a few extra calories, 12 kilo's worth to be precise, so we're waiting the next 7 weeks out. Also, at 7kg and 68cm he's doing good enough on milk alone.
And do not ask me what that stuff on our plates is. It was a hectic day without a moment to cook (or was it a tired day that we spent exclusively in bed doing nothing while we should have been cooking?... never mind...) and I'm trying to forget!
Stare it down - aim - fall forward with an open mouth - attack!
I actually lost most of my pregnancy weight AFTER I stopped nursing. Because then my body seemed to realise - hey, no nursing, she doesn't need that stuff anymore. ;) Same thing with both kids, I simply wasn't hungry as much as during nursing and off it went.
(Hopefully it'll be like that this time, too...)
(Well, I also cut down on eating a bit on purpose but it wasn't nearly as difficult as during the nursing time.)
Loving the last photo...Is that YOUR technique Alex?! Good form, good form...
That absolutely IS her technique. The three of us should get together. But each of us should have her own plate. I wouldn't want to bump into someone's head.
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