And how is this for help in the kitchen? The table laid as follows: Daddy, left, a big fat "strong muscle" bread knife and a regular fork. Mum, middle, a regular knife and a kiddie desert spoon. Tara, right, a butter knife and an adult fork. Leo, top corner, a half empty glass of milk. Touching? Touching.
Leo, too, is being a star. After a whole tense week of worry about his position (transverse, back to back), its implications for my home birthing plans and whatonearthamIgoingtodowithTara, he's turned and was parked just outside the birth canal, head first, when the midwife whecked on us last Tuesday. What a relief! But maybe I can claim half of the laurels - after all, I've spent an intentionally relaxed weekend, took a day off work, and dangled over a gym ball on all fours for a fair share of the time. But if we go there, Jose also should have a share of the praise for keeping the family up and running while I lounged in bed or dangled off said ball. Praise for everyone!
Leo is officially full term and welcome to hatch once I've gotten the oldest sheets and cushions out, remembered how to work the heating, and after I've roared some more with Tara like a lion/ dinasaur/ mummy in labour and read Hello Baby with her at least ten times (one down, nine to go). Oh, and then there's the minor issue of me still being at work for another 8 days, of course - I nearly forgot... and then wanting a few days to rest all by myself... so actually, I'd like another 2 1/2 weeks or so, really.
Way to go, Tara! You'll make a great big sis! And José (great double-father) and Alex and Leo (best home-birth-team to be)! I'm sure Leo will meet your request for some "Mom only with Leo inside" time. He knows what you need...!
By the way, "Leo" is great (was very high on my list if Elin had been a boy :-)).
Tj and the sleeping beauties
Yay! So glad Leo has turned to the right spot! Way to go Mummy! Way to go Leo! And Good job to helpful little Tara, and yes, to Jose as well.
Praise for everyone indeed!
3 more weeks? No, even less, as I'm really late with adding a comment to let you know I'm back on track with the life of the cutest German-Spanish-English family ever.
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