All ready nowWe've entered Scoripio, turned back the clock and come 5:30 am, Tara climbs out of bed, stares at me and declares: "Mummy, I need a wee-wee. There's no light." (Read: 'Mother, get up, switch the light on and come with me.') "And after that I want pancakes for breakfast and watch Charlie and Lola." (Read: Forget about going back to bed after toilet support duty.)
Cruel. Especially since on a regular week day, when I need her up by 7:30, I can often barely get her up for 8am, and certainly not without a long snuggly sleepy cuddle. But here's the beauty of it: We got an extra 3 hours to the day rather than just one, and that was plenty of time to finish sorting the bedroom out, hoover the house, do three loads of washing, put summer clothes into storage and put baby clothes size 3 months up away; time for shopping for/with Tara (clothes), groceries, gifts, and more baby stuff; and after all that: still plenty of time to visit the tea room I've been meaning to go to visit for the last 1 1/2 years (part of my bucket list - my Thanet bucket list anyway) for coffee, double helpings of cake and a little late-pregnancy photo session, with plenty time for Tara to charm everyone in that tea room by chatting happily with the lady owner and performing "Bah Bah Black Sheep" for all the old dears present. We'll be back, and we'll be recognised. Ah, my face and my motherly heart glowed with pride! What a lovely day!
Family of three...Busy busy then, getting ready; and that was only today. Tomorrow, while I'm enjoying my first weekday on maternity leave, I have plans for a dinner cooked from scratch, some cake baking, car/home/life insurance investigating, scheduling of play dates for the week ahead, assembling of labour music play list, and some more washing.
There must be some sort of connection between this unexpected
shocking surge of energy and the beginning of my year-long maternity leave (holidays, yay!). Or maybe it is Leo's continued descent into the birthing regions - suddenly I can breath again, the horrid heart burn is nearly gone, and the idea of keeping this pregnancy lark up for another two weeks or so suddenly seems rather appealing, actually. How things can change in a day!
With that in mind: I'll see whether tomorrow I'll be a domestic goddess, whether I'll just lie in bed and feed the family ready made pizza, or whether I'll be busy having a baby (with an improvised or no music play list). It'll be a nice day either way.
... going on FOURAnd now I'm going to have a muffin or two, fold three loads of washing and wrap presents.
Oh to live the life of a nearly-family-of-four! Love that last photo and the idea of a tea room with entertainment to boot.
Fun stuff.
Looking forward to Leo though...
Love all the photos. You guys are beautiful.
I think you should lie in bed and feed the family ready made pizza...
I got all my favorite songs for my "labor & delivery" and forgot to listen to them... but I did watch short videos of Liam on my phone and that was great but you'll have your girl with you so you won't need that
For Tara's birth, I put all my favourite CDs in one bag... never listened to a note and the next time I saw the CDs was about 2 1/2 years later (re-emphasize: FAVOURITE CDs).
... PS I WILL go back to bed as soon as possible - I woke up at 2:30 wondering whether they boy wanted in or out, and while it was clear that he wanted IN I got obsessing and never slept another wink :-(
You look too cute, all four of you! And the outfit is really lovely (say British: 'luvleey') with that one button closed and the belly pushing its way through. And the last pic is so perfect against that surreal background that it looks like you went to a cheap studio with a canvas in the back. The joy of living in England.
Tried to call you. Keeping all fingers crossed for a happy musical delivery!
Now that's what I call a cozy nest! Come on Leo, we're all so curious!
What beautiful pictures of family life and happiness with 3 soon to become 4- keeping tabs on you and waiting for the pending attival of baby Leo - he will be a beautiful, loving, kind hearted individual regardless of birth sign - how can he be anything else with such a loving family waiting to welcome him into the world
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