Three years can seem a long long time... actually they are a long long time! (Also, this entry would be a lot longer if this nasty tummy bug hadn't knocked me out last night...) We're eating cake, blowing candles, maing wishes, and thinking back.
Ah, my wonderful big pretty girl!
Wahnsinn, schon drei! Alles Gute zum Geburtstag "kleine große Tara"! Und ich habe auch noch die Ehre, Dir hier als Erste gratulieren zu dürfen. Liebe Grüße aus Hannover ... Nudi und Fam.
Happy birthday to youuuuuuuuuuu!
Alles liebe zum Geburtstag, Tari!
We hope your Pueppis like our present! Kisses from Cousin P.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TARA!!!!! Get you get our box??? No one is getting our boxes....I'm worried....
You've inspired me to post some birthday pics of my own dear birthday girl (past!). Hope your nutty cake was yummy!
Hi Tara, here comes a big "Happy Birthday" from Kai, Jun and Jonathan from Bali. (We are on holiday now) We couldn't log on blogspot in China since ages, that's also why you could't hear from us for ages. Luckily we can still send you good wishes on your birthday. Wish you all the best! Hope you had a wonderful day and lots of presents. Your present from us would arrive later (sorry, Jun is not organizational enough, ;-) ) Nice to see that you are already such a big girl now.
Happy Birthday Tara! Is mommy feeling better? The cake looks good. Nothing we can ever have in our house though if we want Liam to actually stay alive, but looks yummy nonetheless!
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