We take dolly Baby Isabelle for moral support.
We need Baby Isabelle! We need moral support! The sight of all those other children shocks Tara into silence, and at hello-hello circle time, where each child is required to say their name, get up and show a thing they can do (like standing on one leg), Tara relies on Mummy to say her name and demonstrate her great skills at... HIDING! ('My name is Tara, and I can HIDE very quickly indeed... inside my mummy's cardi!... Boo!')
But half an hour later, an older girl has attached herself to the mummy-Tara-dolly trio. I suspect she was mostly attracted by our darling Baby Isabelle, but stuck with us throughout, and was extremely polite at asking Tara if she could hold her baby, and always handing her back about five minutes later when Tara would want her back, only to ask to borrow her again another 3 minutes later. So the four of us played with the dollies, sang songs, danced holding hands (real and dolly ones), and generally felt good about the whole experience. Tara left willingly, but shall return equally willingly.
So back to hide and seek at home! Today's speciality: "Mami kann verstecken share-share mit de Baby auffe Boden!" ('mummy can hide share-share with the baby on the floor') So mummy shares a rather small blanket with, from left to right,
PS.: I'm a lunch box packing parent now! Exciting! Tara's very first lunchbox contained: Ketchup-fried pasta with veg and cheese, grapes, a strawberry yogurt, and a smoothie.
Day one at nursery sounds like a huge success! And: You have always been an excellent lunch box packing parent. Will never forget that British sandwich you made me for my train ride back to London. It went something like this: toast, avocado, eggs, tomato, cress, toast. Biggest healthy thing I've ever seen.
Uh, yea, speaking of healthy: Ketchup-fired pasta? Is that a regional pasta dish from southern Italy?
I mean FRIED of course. Fire-y pasta would in deed be from southern italy...
I'm shocked. That doesn't sound like a sandwick, Nirite, it sounds like a dinner for two!
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