Half way through her breakfast, she spoke: "Tara finished. Gehen Kinnergarten jetz! Tara nein pushchair. Tara laufen." It's quite a thrilling walk too. Neighbours to chat to, Vogelkacke to admire on the street, flowers to pull off, Schnecken to be studied... ("Mama, EKELIG!") I can't say how glad i am that this new nursery is so much much closer than the old one!
Really cute outfit. Makes me (kinda) want to leave somplace cold...at least for a few days, maybe a season (of clothes)!
oops. I mean LIVE. and then I'll lEAVE.
She actually looks like a very brave girl who is just about to join the Israeli army. Confident stride in cute army pants. Go Tara go!
I like this photo. Tara is so cool and somewhat celebritylike.
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