She's two now isn't she. So now she's allowed all that was off limits before. Chocolate. Crisps. Hot Chocolate. Watching TV (DVD!). Watching TV (DVD!). Watching TV (DVD!)*. In short, bad habits of all sorts that make my life easier.
She's also allowed potty training, but not that interested yet. However, we did find this online (on the blog of some guy in China who records funny mistranslations), and think it's great advice for when Tara does decide to make potty training her next olympic feat, whether in front of the TV or not: Take care of your SLIP!**

* DVD! We don't watch TV as such, Mr TV Licensing guy, just so we're clear about that!
** Granted, I've not heard a single English person saying slip and meaning underwear / knickers /pants, but I did check a dictionary and it featured, so the joke, by dictionary definition, IS funny.
My granny used to say slip, meaning petticoat, so it IS funny!
You and Tara will certainly like the opening ceremony if you watch the Olympics, loads of nice fireworks. Never mind, you can also get its DVD and WATCH it.
At least you've got a TV set now, the first step of watching TV. :-)
^^you can see many interesting English billboard in China.
I think "Be careful,the ground is slippery" is better here.
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