Dancing would even be a passion that spans three generations now. While in Germany, Tara spent a lot of time with her Oma Gisela (primary school teacher for music and movement/dance), listening to music and doing some dancing, and then some more and some more. She'd try to drag me to play (on the odd occasion), declaring, "Hucka! Hucka! Mama kann's"! ('Hooka Hooka, mummy can do it!'), and puzzling her poor old mum greatly, who knew nothing about a song or dance called that, and certainly couldn't do it (bless her trusting daughter's heart). Back home, she's not stopped. We listen to "Kara's Musik" daily, and she will sway back and forth, occasionally grabbing her dollies to hug them close and dance with them, and occasionally (but less so), refusing to let me change a nappy cause dancing is so much more important than clean bums ("Nein, Mama, keine new nappy! Kacki auch tanzen!" - 'No mummy, no new nappy! Poopy dance too!').
Enough telling of matter that maybe shouldn't be told! I must pack my shorts, and serve my freshly bathed family dinner.
drei mal drei macht vier, wide wide wer wills von mir lernen ... tra la la la la
... bezaubernd!
Wo looooooooove the hair! And the necklace for that matter!! Lia's lasted exactly five minutes...
Very glam! Please give Miss Tash tips on keeping hair accessories in - so far our record is 10 minutes and that's only cos she hadn't noticed!
I would dream to have a lovely daughter and dress the little Miss up with all kinds of girly things.
The only thing we can do to Kai is to shave his hair ourselves (actually I dared not to do the job and Jonathan took over).
It's nice that Tara has a natural passion for dance, just the same as her mum. What passion can Kai have in the near future? I am eager to see.
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