Don't ask... we're still playing hide and seek, all day long. Well... that portion of any long day that mum and dad can stand playing hide and seek for, over and over again. Poor Tara, said portion of any day is growing shorter and shorter, even though we try to vary the location for some extra kicks.
The Mother of all games of hide and seek: Tara, and the dolls, and mum, and dad disappear under a blanket, mumble to themselves, "My my, we wonder where we have disappeared to...", count to three/drei/tres, pull the blanket off and shout BOO! at the empty room. She loves it. The more, the merrier.
I finally got another thrilling toy out, once I'd lured her away from under the blanket, off the sofa, under a blanket outdoors, and away from under it. (One step at a time...)
The Bikickle! Bifi! Fakad!

She made it a few inches forward, a few back, and both self-propelled. One minor hick-up: when mum strapped Tara onto the bike with the attached safety belts, lost interest, and walked away to do something else. Dear dear, but a good job it is that she has a voice, three languages, and knows to use the lot. "Mamaaa! Papaaaa! Aaaaah! Eeeeeh! Eeeeh!" That's what we have our Dr. Daddy for, I say. Don't ask me what I was thinking; I've even forgotten what I went off to do. *Sigh*
Anyway, where it comes to Tara's new great cycling skills, we celebrate such successes: a trip down to the wild outdoors. She rode her bikickle for about three minutes (that is, pushed by dad), then demanded she get to ride the Papa-horse. How is it that you always end up carrying your children, as well as their ride on toys?!
There had been nothing but miserable weather since we got back from Germany three weeks ago. There can hardly be any hope that we'll get more than these last two days, can there. On the plus side, I never bothered getting my official summer clothes out, so now at least I won't have to worry about putting them away again. Little comfort though, especially now that I've got some spare time coming my way with Tara partying at nursery. I do feel a bit guilty about "sending her away," but with a bit of luck she'll find a nurse or friend that's happy to play hiding-under-blankets for three hours every morning, while I bore myself silly looking for work, and learning to appreciate crowded sofas cum blanket a bit more.