We tour the area, with mummy and Tara being the inofficial tourist guides. First we take our honourable guests to Ramsgate central. No pics, and nothing to report, as would be in the nature of the place. Then we take them to Broadstairs, and Opa Didi's Most Memorable quote reads as follows, loosely translated: "A sight for sore eyes... after the shock of yesterday!" He mumbles, but my ears are as sharp as my opinion...
Together, we visit parks, Canterbury (Mummy drives, whee-hee), Tara receives and learns to ride a tricycle round the neighbourhood, and has helps herself to her first ice cream. Note: This is MY ice cream. I bought missy a small beginner's pale milky one, which she looked at sideways, rejected with a turn of the head, and demanded the nice red one that mummy (with her good sense of taste) had obviously chosen for herself. So swap we did *sigh*...
The big question at the end of the week: would I get an invite for interview for the position of librarian at the language specialist grammar school mentioned earlier? Or would I be able to hop the ferry with the older and the younger generation and continue to enjoy sharing Tara with an extended family? Guess!
Isn't it rather: "Oooma! Ooopa!" I scream! I heard that Tara was crying out loud for her grandparents on her way back to England.... Poor deserted little grandchild.
And poor child with Mummy trying to pull a fast one on her with (*GASP!*) pseudo ice cream?! The HORROR! Jesus woman, give the kid some sugar, don't you know it makes them sweeter???
...and then pass the sugar kid off to Papa and let HIM deal with its effects...
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