Today Tara is 1 year, 11 months, and 1 week old.
Today we've been to the beach in the early morning, o play in the sand, collect one shell, shovel warm sand onto legs and feet, and try to "Mamma, fangen!" the seagulls.
Today Tara wow'ed my by saying "Mummy put your legs down!" when she wanted me to sit differently, and "Super, Mama!" when I did. She also spoke Spanish ("No toooocas!" - don't touch) and German: "Meine süße Baby Kacha (Tara) essen Joghurt" (MY sweet Baby Tara eat yogurt). She's one hot linguist!
Today I took her to nursery again and did not scratch the car.
Today we watched "Die Fisches" (aka Finding Nemo), as Tara wanted "Fernsehn an!" (TV on!) but "No Tarlielola!"
Today Tara helped peel her peas for dinner but didn't want to eat them and demanded "Tokolade!" instead.
Today we nearly finalised our summer holiday plans with Oma and Opa, and cancelled the hotel reservation for the GBP198 per night room (yes, in Ramsgate! One of those situations you get yourself into without knowing what the charges will be and then feel the only graceful way out is making a reservation knowing you'll cancel it asap, yes?)
Today hard working Jose came home a scandalous hour late, was served a hamburger upon demand, and then got to spend two hours sleeping. Only fair.
Today Mummy kissed Tara good night in the bath because, she told her, she had to go downstairs and clean the kitchen (as if!), promised banana toast with grated chocolate for breakfast and told her how much she looked forward to cuddling her at night.
Today Jose sang Tara to sleep with "Happy Birthday", Tara's favourite song at the moment. She sings it too, "Happidaistu", and loves baking Happidaistu-Kuchen (cake) from play-dough.
Today Mummy filled in a job application for the part time position of librarian at a language specialist grammar school that teaches German and Spanish (and French but so what); fingers crossed for this most appealing of all part-time Thanet jobs.
Today, Tara's been an absolute joy to spend time with, and I'll report that incident with the nappy cream in a separate entry.
It's been a good day.

Tanti auguri Tara!
In celebration of your special day, the ENTIRE United States of America blew stuff up in a spectacular fireworks show!
Like mother, like daughter. :) How could little Tara remember so many things, in different languages, in her little head?!
I agree with Hannah, the job sounds like an ideal job for you. How is it going? I wouldn't have sent you the email several days ago if I had read this part of your post. Good luck with your new job / job hunting!
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